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This post is more than 5 years old


April 13th, 2011 13:00

Nvidia driver e6420 sccm, windows 7 x64 fails unattended

The newest driver pack for e6420 windows7 x64 does not work to install unattended in sccm using the driver pack from dell site.
Also tried to import the standalone driver but no luck only running the video as a package seems to solve the problem.
Driver pack for xp works fine and installs correct unattended.
Any ideas on how it can be solved or if anything is missing?

1 Message

June 29th, 2011 14:00

"I've been having the same issue. Importing the driver into SCCM obviously doesn't work. You can't even run the driver upgrade wizard and point it to the INF to install the ONLY seems to want to work if you run setup.exe. I'm not sure what NVIDIA changed but I sure wish they would unchange it.

I've managed to get the driver to install as an application during the Task Sequence. If you open the Setup.cfg file in a text editor you can see a series of "options" in the middle of the file. I'm currently using:

setup.exe /s /noreboot /noeula /nofinish

There's also a /prestage switch but I can't find any information on what this switch does."

What does the "/nofinish" switch do?

566 Posts

June 29th, 2011 15:00

I think /nofinish makes it skip the "Finish" button at the end of the install.

10 Posts

July 15th, 2011 07:00

Did you just have an Install Software Package in your TS after OSD? Could you possible give me the exact command line you used to install of the package?

566 Posts

July 15th, 2011 11:00

"Did you just have an Install Software Package in your TS after OSD? Could you possible give me the exact command line you used to install of the package?"
Yes, I have a software package in the TS. This is the command line that works for me:

setup.exe /s /n /noeula /nofinish

July 15th, 2011 12:00

My command line is slightly different, but they both accomplish the same thing. :)

setup.exe /s /noreboot /noeula /nofinish

I also have another item in the TS that runs "winsat.exe dwm" to run the Desktop Window Manager portion of the Windows Experience perfmance tests. This will force the system to enable the full Aero interface. Note that this command must be run after a reboot (driver install, reboot, winsat command).

See my earlier post for futher information. :)

10 Posts

July 18th, 2011 06:00

Do you have a Restart Computer in the setup OS portion of the T.S., after the Install Software?

10 Posts

July 18th, 2011 07:00

"Do you have a Restart Computer in the setup OS portion of the T.S., after the Install Software? "
Currently my T.S. Is:
Restart in PE
Apply O.S., Apply Windows setting, Apply network, Apply driver package
Setup Operating System:
Setup Windows and ConfigMgr
Install Software - Single App - Nvidia package: Command line (setup.exe /s /n /noeula /nofinish) Run: Normal, After Running : No action required
Last thing in TS is Restart Computer

Just ran that T.S. and driver was not installed so i'm not quite sure why it's not working

566 Posts

July 18th, 2011 07:00

Other settings I have on my working program for this driver you can check:

1) On the Environment tab, I have it set to run with Admin rights.
2) On the Advanced tab, I have a check in the box at the bottom for "Allow this program to be installed from the install software task sequence without being advertised."

10 Posts

July 18th, 2011 10:00

"Other settings I have on my working program for this driver you can check:

1) On the Environment tab, I have it set to run with Admin rights.
2) On the Advanced tab, I have a check in the box at the bottom for "Allow this program to be installed from the install software task sequence without being advertised.""
Thanks for the help Mavtech

I have both of those set already, do you have anything special done with run or after running? or Is it Normal and No action?

8 Posts

August 2nd, 2011 03:00

"Yes, I have a software package in the TS. This is the command line that works for me:

setup.exe /s /n /noeula /nofinish"
Did you just download the Nvidia drivers from or are you using the one that Dell provides? Are you installing it Online or Offline?

I tried your command line in a task sequence with "Install Softare Package", and it failed with error code 0x80070001 during Online installation.

566 Posts

August 2nd, 2011 06:00

I used the Dell drivers. Make sure you have removed all Nvidia applications and drivers before capturing the .wim. Also, make sure that the install is after the configmgr client is installed. It doesn't get installed with the regular drivers. It has to be installed with the applications.

8 Posts

August 2nd, 2011 07:00

I solved my problem by createing a package with drivers from, version 275.33 and then running a "Run command line" step with the following command line "setup.exe /s /n /noeula /nofinish". Remember to add a success code of "1" under the Options tab in the field called Success Codes. In the end of my task sequence, I added a "Run command line" step with the following command line "winsat.exe dwm" to enable Aero etc. I also added a WMI Query condtion to only target the specific systems needed. This query looks like "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model Like '%E6420%'".

Thanks to some of the guys here for helping me resolving my issue. I hope that this helps somebody.

566 Posts

August 2nd, 2011 08:00

Yeah, I did the same thing with the WMI query. I also put in a step to reboot the computer with the same WMI query.

1 Message

August 12th, 2011 02:00

From my investigation, It seems that NVidia have slightly altered their installation process and the latest drivers do not extract correctly so do not install.
These latest drivers have a number of sub-folders when extracted, where as the older drivers have all of the files in one location, and these work ok.
The drivers that work are all before version 260, which is when the format seems to have changed and are from mid 2010.
This is fine for most of our devices, but some newer workstations don't have drivers available.
For these I extract the files, then use the command:
setup -i -n -passive -noeula -nofinish

If in doubt about what switches to use or for different options, view the setup.cfg file which lists the options within the OPTIONS section towards the bottom.

15 Posts

August 16th, 2011 15:00

Just curious if there is any update from Dell on updated driver CABS. Last post was almost two months ago, near as I can tell. We too are having this issue on both E6420 and E6520 using OSD.
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