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January 8th, 2013 02:00

How to checkout through DFS without DFC properties from my client

Hi All

  I'm trying to checking out document by consuming DFS through a web service. For this i'm creating a web service and trying to checking out document from this web service. In this web service, i'm using versioncontrolservice.checkout() of DFS, document is checking out successfully, but it requires file in webservice application. Without files, it is generating a exception,"No Docbroker is specified".

I'm unable to understand why it is using file in webservices.When i'm passing control to the DFS for checking out of document from web service, then why it requires file.

It requires file only for checking out of document (or during version creation).

I'm successfully, fetching document content, its metadata, updated metadata through my web services(which is internally using DFS), butunable to create version through my web service.

I don't want to use file within my web service.

So, pls suggest me how to resolve this issue, how to checkout document from my web service without dfc,properties file

7 Posts

January 8th, 2013 21:00

use ServiceFactory.getRemoteService() instead of ServiceFactory.getService(), to get IVersionControlService object.

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