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This post is more than 5 years old


August 10th, 2013 23:00

Group Manager web console and vCenter plugin take 20 minutes to load

​Lately for some reason the EqualLogic web console and the screen in the vSphere client for the vCenter plugin take literally 20 minutes to load. When i browse to and want to open the web console for group manager or the plugin page in the vSphere client i get the blue Dell logo in the upper left hand corner and it just sits there. After literally 20 minutes I will finally get the box to enter the login credentials and once logged in everything seems to work fine, until I log out and have to go through the 20 minute process again.​

​Has anyone encountered this problem before or know what might be causing it? Maybe a Java issue? I am using the latest version of Java.​

4 Operator


9.3K Posts

August 11th, 2013 22:00

The latest version of Java (7) seems to have issues with lots of different applications, including group manager.

I'd suggest to go 1 or 2 build back (e.g. Java 7 build 21).

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