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May 16th, 2016 15:00

ImageAssist: How to download your Dell OEM Windows ISO

NOTE Prerequisite:  A valid service tag with entitlement to the preferred Windows OS.  .e.g If looking for Windows 10, then the service tag must show sold with Windows 10. 

  1. Go to:
  2. Input valid Service Tag & Verification Code then click Submit.
  3. Click the link to Download the recovery image.

After you download the Windows recovery image file, follow the instructions below to create a bootable USB drive or DVD.

April 17th, 2019 00:00

Dear customer,

If you get an error message while using the Dell OS Recovery tool referring to an ISO file not available to download you could call your local technical support and they should tell you something about it.

Another quicker option for you is to download a Windows 10 ISO file from Microsoft. You can even create a bootable USB key to install it as well, details at

You must consider hardware requirements to install or upgrade to Windows 10 and licensing implications.

9 Legend


47K Posts

April 18th, 2019 10:00

A third Option that works with Windows 10 1809 is an OEM System Builder DVD and an external USB 2.0 Blueray Drive.

You buy a Disk hopefully a current one and then Boot From it Via F12 and install.

When you install if it asks for a KEY you tell it "I DONT HAVE A KEY" and install either Home or PRO.

Then you use your Windows 7 Home or PRO key from the COA sticker to activate.

This drive and the OEM System Builder Media (WINDOWS 10 OEI DVD) is all you will ever need.

Works on my 2006 Optiplex GX620 as well as my Brand New G7 15  7588 laptop to clean install onto brand new drive.

There is absolutely no difference between Home or Pro Media so you only have to buy a copy of WIN10 Home and you can install on ANY machine whether its Home or Pro.

Works Fine with Windows 7 or 8 or 10 machines from 2006 all the way thru 2019.



OEM DVD in White EnvelopeOEM DVD in White Envelope

3 Posts

June 6th, 2019 19:00

Thanks for your persistence in helping.  What can we do if we receive the error message "We are currently unable to connect to the backend.  Please check your internet connection and try again." ?

Thank you

June 7th, 2019 06:00

Hello, do contact your local technical support to check if there's a temporary issue with the tool backend in general or particularly with your system's assigned ISO file, just provide your service tag to them

1 Message

July 20th, 2019 06:00


I have one Dell 15Z 5523. I have problem with the MB and i mount a new one. Now the Win10 not work anymore...

I want to reinstall the OS and reset all

I try the two methods, the first, after i put the TAG don't find in the 'Category:'  'operating System '

and the second method 'OS Recovery tools, when i put the TAG tell me, ' can't connect with the backend '

Please help me

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