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May 15th, 2019 12:00

Atheros Smart Net

​I updated from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro (10 days ago). I found ​​Atheros​​ Smart Net (asav) in my apps list. What is it and who/how or when was it installed? What is it good for?​

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

May 15th, 2019 12:00

* Click my name and private message me the Inspiron Desktop service tag number
* Atheros is the WiFi card. So Smart Net must be part of the driver software


9 Posts

March 10th, 2021 17:00

What if you're using a PC that doesn't have WiFi?! It is a Dell PC.

9 Posts

March 11th, 2021 11:00

Should I/Is it Save to remove it? I have T3620 w/Windows 10 64 bit.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

March 11th, 2021 11:00

@wryker  - What's your actual question?

And always include exact PC model and version of Windows in your posts.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

March 11th, 2021 11:00

@wryker wrote:

Should I/Is it Save to remove it? I have T3620 w/Windows 10 64 bit.

Sure it's not also used for Ethernet and/or Bluetooth? 

You could try disabling it on the Startup tab in Task Manager, reboot and see what happens.

Otherwise, you could go to Start>Run and type in: services.msc and click OK. When that opens, find Atheros on the list and double-click it. Change its Startup type to disabled. Don't change anything else in services.msc. Exit services.msc, reboot and see what happens.

At least on my PC with Win 10 Pro, the Atheros files don't take up much storage space (<1 MB, total) so you could just disable it, assuming it's not needed, without uninstalling it, just in case...

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