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1 Rookie


7 Posts


August 15th, 2019 06:00

Can Linux void a warranty?

I want to dual boot Linux on my PC, but don't want to void the warranty.


Can that void it?

2 Intern


2.5K Posts

August 15th, 2019 07:00

I love this post the best ever. IMO;

answer, (from the peanut gallery)

not if you boot it to DVD live or USB live.

if you erase your PCs OS, and install linux , they might accept that but only if HW failed.

IDK  (seen posters say sent in like that and came back with W10 reinstalled)

but for sure windows 10 gone, that ends the w10 warranty.

easy no? it's not there. so can;'t be.(missing from HDD or SSD)

this is such a great question.!!!

you can also, load top VM and run images of any OS you what, even windows..

many experts say never run w10 on bare metal , run  top VM. (many kinds there are, counting on one hand)



10 Elder


45.1K Posts

August 15th, 2019 11:00

Always include the exact PC model in your posts...

Installing Linux won't void the warranty, but Dell won't guarantee the hardware will work properly with that OS. If hardware actually fails, they will replace the failed OEM component within the terms of their warranty.

If you set up dual boot, you will lose the option to revert to the factory installed Windows setup. So be good idea to image the drive before you set up the dual boot, so you can quickly/easily revert to the current setup if things go badly. Macrium Reflect Free is one of a number of free apps that can image the drive.

And have you searched these forums for threads about your specific PC model and installing/dual-booting Linux to see what issues others may have had...?

9 Legend


47K Posts

August 15th, 2019 15:00

Installing ubuntu alongside windows does not void warranty. But Dell does not support any os that did not ship with the unit.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

August 17th, 2019 12:00


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