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March 17th, 2018 06:00

Inspirion 5675 CPU upgrade

Am I able to upgrade the CPU in this computer(is the CPU fixed to the motherboard in such a way that i can't remove it?), and if i can would upgrading my CPU void my warranty? 

10 Elder


23.5K Posts

March 17th, 2018 07:00

Yes, it can be upgraded - but if you do and Dell finds out, it would indeed void the warranty.

If you decide to do this (though it makes little sense;  just buy the system with the CPU you want), keep the original CPU in case warranty service is required.


367 Posts

March 17th, 2018 21:00

Any AMD Ryzen (AM4 not threadripper) would work since AMD has promised support on AM4 for next 2 years but warranty will be voided so if you want to keep it then don't upgrade CPU.

10 Elder


23.5K Posts

March 18th, 2018 07:00

If Dell tracks with what's happened with the Intel CPUs (XPS 8900, 8910, 8920 and 8930), each new generation of CPU has meant a new system - and no support for the next in line of CPUs.

It may or may not be different with AMD CPUs -- but I would not buy based on an expectation that the next generation Ryzen CPU will work on the existing Inspiron mainboard.  It may or may not be possible to enable support based on a BIOS update - which in turn, may or may not be made available.


16 Posts

March 18th, 2018 07:00

I asked a similar question regarding the future BIOS upgrades to support the newest gen CPUs.


367 Posts

March 22nd, 2018 16:00


If Dell tracks with what's happened with the Intel CPUs (XPS 8900, 8910, 8920 and 8930), each new generation of CPU has meant a new system - and no support for the next in line of CPUs.

It may or may not be different with AMD CPUs -- but I would not buy based on an expectation that the next generation Ryzen CPU will work on the existing Inspiron mainboard.  It may or may not be possible to enable support based on a BIOS update - which in turn, may or may not be made available.


Correct Dell BIOS support is another story I am not a dell insider to give such information but AM4 support will stick around till 2020 AMD has confirmed.


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