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25 Posts


April 13th, 2019 08:00

Inspiron 24-5477, purpose of Fn key?

​My Inspiron 24-5477's keyboard has an Fn key. I doesn't seem to do much if anything compared to my laptops. Would someone please tell me what is supposed to happen when the Fn key is used with each of the function keys.​

​Thank you very much.​

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20.1K Posts

April 13th, 2019 09:00

That is dell wireless keyboard model KM 636, not actually part of the computer. All in ones have a motherboard that is more like a laptop than a desktop. So it makes sense to have a kb with the FN key. The FN key should act the same as a laptop KB. The top row keys toggle between Media and Function options depending on adding the FN key. 

Here's the manual for that KB-

25 Posts

April 13th, 2019 11:00

Thank you very much, Mary G

I understand about the keyboard/motherboard match up.  But the url you gave did not answer my question as it applied to may machine.  The only Fn+function key that seems to do any thing is F1 and it appears to put the machine to sleep or perhaps hybernate.  What is Fn+F2 throught F12 supposed to do?

Thanks fpr your patience.

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