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19 Posts


February 18th, 2019 03:00

Dell Inspiron 13-7378 - vents

On my 7378 13 inspiron, I see 4 vents on the bottom and one long vent on the back. 2 of the bottom vents are very near the back. The other 2 vents are are toward the front of the laptop, one on each side. I would like to know which of these 5 vents are intake vents and which are exhaust vents. The catalyst for the question was in considering a vacuum cooler. It does not appear this laptop is compatible with any vacuum coolers since there are no vents on either side of this laptop. But I still want to know which are intake and exhaust vents because I want a cooling pad that will target the intake vents. Thanks, Jerry

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

February 18th, 2019 10:00

This link from the service manual should help. The small forward vents appear to be intake and the large vent (in the picture where the heat sink and fan are located) are exhaust.

19 Posts

February 19th, 2019 01:00

JOcean, I thought it would be easy to get an answer from the manual but 30 minutes later I gave up. The link you sent me is for the procedure for removing the heat sink. If that picture tells you which vents are which, then I will trust in your being much smarter at this than me. Are you sure based on what you see that the intake vents are the 2 side front vents? Jerry

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

February 19th, 2019 05:00

OK, first off...smarter, not so much according to my wife. However after taking a good look at the 7378 pics try this. With the fan running, take a very light piece of Kleenex (facial tissue) and hold it up to the large rear vent. If the tissue is held there then it is an intake vent.  Looking at the rear of the 7378 system's case I see a long slot between the hinges (which you mentioned). That is the exhaust vent. On my 5575 the large bottom vent is intake and the exhaust is the slot between the hinges.The small vents near the front are just secondary intakes which pull additional air across the other components. Sorry if I led you astray on this one, the pics in the service manual were not very obvious as you stated.

19 Posts

February 19th, 2019 06:00

Your test idea JOcean is great. The problem with it is, as soon as the question of what vents are what came up, the heat wave stopped and a cold spell took it's place. Translation - the fan is not coming on. I am writing this right now at 2:30 pm my time (also Greenwich Mean Time) and it is 78 degrees F outside. And it should be cool this time of year. So there probably will not be enough heat to turn on the fan any time soon. But what you are saying is in your opinion all 4 vents on the bottom are intake vents. The 5th vent (as you say the one between the hinges) is the only exhaust vent out of the 5. How sure are you without my being able to do a confirmation tissue test? 75%? 90%? 99%? I went on Amazon to upgrade my cooling pad to a stronger one. Should have been a 20 minute decision at best. But then I noticed vacuum coolers. That was 4 days ago and I am still playing with all the mosquito bite type issues since. But pretty sure a vacuum cooler is not in the cards for this laptop. Just tell your wife that Dell thinks you are a Rock Star.

1.5K Posts

February 19th, 2019 13:00

Not sure what the differences are between 7378 and my 7368? the front two vents are actually left and right speakers. I only have 1 long rectangle if grid toward the back covering the area of the CPU heat pipes and heat sink and fan. Using the tissue test I found that the intake is the first 2" from right to left are drawing air in.  I assume the rest of the grid is exhausting, I say I assume because the tissue did not stick to the grid but the tissue but wasn't blown away from the grid as would be expected.

To ensure that my fan is running full blast I'm running "burn-in test" which is set up to run the CPU at 100% as well as the onboard GPU 2d and 3d at 100%. My temps were running in the high 80'c C

I moved a fan on my notebook cooler Coolmaster U2 with the 3 U3 fans. I moved the one fan to the top right corner and that dropped my temps into the low 70's C

So Now that I have done some checking around the hinges I find a definite exhaust from the right hinge nothing on the left hinge in or out. So I'm suspecting that air is coming in from the right side of the bottom plate same area that the fan is located and exhaust through the right hinge. This doesn't really make sense to me but I'm quite sure that Air is being sucked in through the right 2" of the bottom vent grill. I could not verify air flow either in or out through the rest of the vent crossing to the left-hand side. I am also quite sure I am getting exhaust through the right-hand hinge and no air movement noticeable on the left hinge either direction. Not really sure what I have actually discovered as it doesn't make sense to me that air would come in and out on the same corner of the notebook and what the other 8" of the vent on the bottom actually does. 

When I had the bottom off I did look to see if I could figure out the airflow and i couldn't All I saw was the fan heat pipes and heat sink all open the only crowling was around the fan Which was set up to draw air from the bottom of the case on the right side so maybe I just wasn't expecting a fan to exhaust out a hinge I'll have to have another look. If that is the case then any fans I put on that vent grid is going to force air across the CPU Heat sink and heat pipes. I'm still not getting my head wrapped around this yet.

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

February 19th, 2019 14:00

100% sure as my 5575 has a similar vent configuration and I was able to prove that the bottom vents were intake. I also could put my hand across the slit between the hinges and actually feel the hot air being expelled.

I had a vacuum style cooler on my old Latitude and it worked like a charm. But as you stated, you have to have a side vent for that to work. A good cooling pad should make it pretty obvious quickly that the CPU is cooler.

And thanks for the kind words. My wife is not a techie in any measure of the word, To impress her usually means cleaning out the attic...:Zipit:

19 Posts

February 20th, 2019 09:00

JOcean, after reading both your email and Clintlgm's, I don't have a clue if I have this right.  But here is my shot at it.... There are 4 vents on the bottom.  On Clintlgm's the 2 side vents toward the front are speakers.  On mine also.  And you have no idea how stupid I feel about that one.  And I think one of you or both are saying the 2 vents on the bottom toward the back - on bottom between the hinges - I think you are saying those are BOTH intake vents.  I am failing in my attempt to attach a photo. I see insert image but there is no search function.   But I think you saw a picture of the bottom. If you look closely at those 2 vents, one is a bit darker than the other.   The reason is, if you are typing on the laptop and then from that position just turn it upside down, the left bottom vent (again, near the hinges) has a wire mesh just under the holes.  The right vent does NOT have that mesh.  Which implies they have different uses but I am going on implication only. The back long vent (back-not bottom) between the hinges has a very similar mesh-just a bit darker.  You are sure that back vent is exhaust.  A mesh on both back and bottom left . Hmm. Does that mean they are both exhaust vents?  And if yes, that would mean there is ONLY one intake vent????? With that said... The laptop is fine with the cooling pad I have if the inside temp is under 87 degrees. The only time I ever hear the fan and feel the bottom get hot is 87 and above F. Does that suggest the laptop has an overheating issue?  Or does it just say I just don't use it in similar conditions as most do. And, good for me,  it is not usually that hot inside.  So with the cooling pad, I almost never hear the fan except on those hot days.  So MAYBE it is not overheating (in the sense that Dell would call it overheating) during higher temp days.  Again the bottom does feel hot at 87 and above and the fan does come on, sometimes strong, and scares me because I never hear the fan otherwise. But maybe the problem is me not understanding when the laptop really is overheating.  Kinda like these Africans all around me obviously don't know what cold is when they wear heavy coats at 75 degrees F.   Does your wife call you J or Ocean?

1.5K Posts

February 21st, 2019 12:00

After reading your last post, I had another look at my 7386 And Yes I have vent holes that you can see with the screen open and the right one is definitely exhausting I can feel the heat coming out. the tissue paper definitely is affected by the flow. The left side appears to have the same holes but I can't detect and flow either way.

As to the Back, I have 4 narrow slots, 2 near the right hinge that is exhausting and two near the left hinge that neither exhaust or intake that I  can tell. The bottom remains the same for me two speakers under the trackpad frame out towards the left and right sides of the bottom and oneinside my 7386.pngBack cover installed.pngRight hinge eshaust vents.pngBack Vents.png  

19 Posts

February 22nd, 2019 08:00

I may not be  able to figure out the path to my laptop bath pict, then try this link.  If you use the enlarger, you can see the  wire mesh in the one of them and not in the  other.

19 Posts

February 22nd, 2019 08:00

Clintlgm, I THINK we are saying the same thing.  I have no idea why I am not smart enough to attach a pict of the back of my laptop.  The speakers are the same except on my laptop they look like vents.  That leaves 2 more bottom vents on mine which would be the same place as your one long bottom vent.  I think we might have our rights and lefts mixed up. So does half of that long bottom vent have a wire mesh that you can see?  And the other half does not have that wire mesh?  


And your back 4 short vents is one long vent for me.  Do all 4 of your back vents have that same wire mesh?  My long vent back vent is all wire mesh.

1.5K Posts

February 22nd, 2019 15:00

@Jerry1111 wrote:

Clintlgm, I THINK we are saying the same thing.  I have no idea why I am not smart enough to attach a pict of the back of my laptop.  The speakers are the same except on my laptop they look like vents.  That leaves 2 more bottom vents on mine which would be the same place as your one long bottom vent.  I think we might have our rights and lefts mixed up. So does half of that long bottom vent have a wire mesh that you can see?  And the other half does not have that wire mesh?  


And your back 4 short vents is one long vent for me.  Do all 4 of your back vents have that same wire mesh?  My long vent back vent is all wire mesh.

Well, the 7378 is quite different from 7368 the front two speakers look like they would be vents, I read in the service manual that they were speakers and I listen to verify that.

the four vents across the back have no mesh at all they are all intended to exhaust I guess same with the Right hinge.

Left and right get mixed up whether you have the notebook in user mode or flipped over to work on the back side. I would guess that I may have gotten confused a couple of times. on mine, it appears that the exhaust is the right hinge and the back two slots next to that hinge. I could not detect any other exhaust and the screen bottom are is all screened so I am assuming that is all intake. So i have my cooler fans blowing up through there. Most likely putting a positive pressure in the notebook since there is so little exhaust area, I still see no exhaust from the left hinge or the two slots on that side.

1.5K Posts

February 22nd, 2019 15:00

As to posting Pictures. they have a limit in size, I used Snagit to reduce the size of my picture then click on the photo link above and a box appears that you can drag and drop the photos into then choose size and position and  upload them

19 Posts

February 23rd, 2019 05:00

Okay I tried drag and drop and copy and paste.  Nothing works.  My pict is probably too big.  Or I am just too stupid.

Guys, I think we have gotten as far as we can on this.  It was fun.  Thanks to you both. 


19 Posts

February 23rd, 2019 06:00

Hey, if you see it, at least I succeed in sending a  pict.  The secret...  I had to first log on.   Haha.  

19 Posts

February 23rd, 2019 06:00


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