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2 Posts


January 10th, 2020 10:00

Inspiron 7577 restarting all the time

I have a Dell inspiron 7577 and it keeps restarting without warning about every 15 minutes. When it comes back, i get a notification from Dell Update saying "The system has been updated. It has done this well over 20 times so it must be a problem. I have checked dell update and supportassist and they both say that my computer is up to date. I have tried to reset my computer and keep my files twice but there was an error both times and no changes were made. What can I do to stop this? it basically prevents me from doing anything on my laptop.



25.2K Posts

January 11th, 2020 04:00

We tried reaching you on a private message but did not receive a response. Please feel free to write back whenever you are available.

2 Posts

January 13th, 2020 10:00

I replied to your message just now. Thank you

2 Posts

April 9th, 2020 14:00

I've been having this same exact problem. Has been fine for so long, and now every time I will be using my system and it'll suddenly just reboot. Every time it'll come back and say that the system has been updated. Why is it doing this? Any help would be appreciated.

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