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January 17th, 2023 22:00

Is The Intel Evo good for gaming?

​Hello, my friends!​

​I am looking to purchase a laptop. I was using Intel core i3. And now I want to upgrade it. I am a working woman and also a writer, but my son loves to play games. So, I am also looking for updated version which is good for gaming as well. Recently I have heard about EVO from my friends.​

​Is intel Evo good for gaming? Can anyone suggest me? But the problem is that my budget is not too high. ​

​Someone has suggested me some references-​




591 Posts

January 19th, 2023 07:00


You need to watch certain specifications for example if you see a laptop you like and the specifications mention the device has 8GB of ram then make sure

  • The operating system is 64 bit
  • The device has a discrete (also called dedicated) graphics card with it's own memory.

why ? simple a 32 bit operating cannot use 8GB of ram and with an integrated graphics card a part of that 8GB will be reserved for  graphics slowing the system down in other words be sure you are not buying a cat in a bag.

Dell has a few evo laptops but do note these are not gaming laptops.


591 Posts

January 18th, 2023 01:00


Intel evo is a label manufacturers can get so consumers know the product that has the evo label meets certain requirements to get that label these are:

  • The performance of a laptop.
  • The connectors and connections supported.
  • The suitability for business use and on the go.
  • The quality during video calls
  • ......

So depending which games your son likes to play yes it is good however laptops that have the evo label aren't cheap.


January 19th, 2023 05:00

Thank you this explanation. 

Actually my son usually plays PUBG, Minecraft and Super Mario 64. I don't know what would be the best? also my budget is $1500. 

So, if you are having any options please let me know. 

January 23rd, 2023 21:00

Thank you for helping.

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