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August 5th, 2022 15:00

Windows 11 S vs Non S Mode


​I'm browsing the range of laptops and see that ones that ship with Windows 11 S is considerably cheaper than it having the non-S version pre-installed. I know (or at least from what I've read) you can easily switch out of S Mode to effectively have the full version of Windows so could I essentially save money by just buying a laptop with the S version of Windows? Or does the non-S version of Windows being pre-installed in the first place have additional benefits over a S version pre-installed then switched out?​


7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

August 5th, 2022 15:00

This link from the MS support page should help. You can switch out of S into Windows 11 Home, at no charge,  and there are no benefits from system with pre-installed Home version versus a system upgraded to Home. However keep in mind that systems with S version are generally less powerful budget systems. Also with S version you are limited to apps in the MS store basically.  So if you plan on using the system for more than basic computing and running the programs that you want to use, then the Home version may be for you right from the start. Now one more consideration. You can upgrade to Home for free but you may want Windows 11 Pro. That is not a free upgrade. So it boils down to the intended use of your system. 

10 Elder


23.4K Posts

August 5th, 2022 15:00

It may be a bit less expensive up front, but be sure the only difference is the operating system -- not the hardware.  There are Intel CPUs that are less than capable performers that might do OK in S mode -- similarly, do not buy any system with less than 8G RAM and a native SSD (preferably NVMe).  There are still some systems sold with spinning hard drives as their only storage -- they may do OK in S mode but will fall flat if you set the system into full Windows 11 mode (and note that once the system is changed from S to full 11 mode, it can't be turned back into S mode).


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