2 Intern
132 Posts
Additional data collector VM for DPA Agent within IDPA?
Is it possible to spin up a separate data collector VM and install DPA "agent only" on it within the IDPA VM environment? And is it supported?
Customer is using DDBEA/DDboost for DB backups and wants to implement job activity reporting with IDPA - however, the scale of the number of servers that will be reported on (and the job data reported relative to the number of instances and databases) is fairly large, so for ease of management and also to offload the collection work, we are thinking of a secondary collector system running the DPA "agent only".
All comments/feedback appreciated - thanks.
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DELL - Rod K
190 Posts
December 1st, 2021 15:00
While that is a creative idea, unfortunately Dell does NOT support ANY additional/customer VMs added in the IDPA vCenter.
One option that IS supported which may address some concerns is- separate Management and Data networks. Details of how to configure that is available, based on the IDPA model.
The best place to check first is the Installation and/or Administration and/or Product Guides for your DPA version.
These can be found by searching Dell Support and selecting the reference for your version.
If this is useful please give KUDOS.