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This post is more than 5 years old


August 21st, 2014 23:00

Brand new Dell 15 5000 series wont start up

Typical Dell issue. I just got my new Dell 15 5000 series laptop. Spent 1 hour setting it up. Took a break closed the lid and now its dead. I have a power light on the front but screen wont come back. Have held the power button down for 10 seconds then retried it but nothing. It is plugged in just no screen or activity.

August 22nd, 2014 02:00

You pressed and held the power button for 10 seconds. Did you try in this way?

Remove the battery and disconnect the power supply from the laptop and then press the power button for 30 seconds. Then connect the battery and power supply and press the power button to turn on thr laptop.

Also, can you notice any beep sound?

5 Posts

August 22nd, 2014 12:00

ok...first connect your charger and the turn on your pc, when you see the dell logo and then you have to press and hold the power key untill your pc gets off, repeat the same thing until you see automatic repair under dell logo and then it takes some time to show the options,select advance options (ass shown in attachments) and then selcet system restore then you pc will turn on normally every time.....pls do it carefully..

November 16th, 2014 10:00

I'm sorry, but what part of "the machine doesn't turn ON" don't you understand?

November 16th, 2014 10:00

I have the same problem.  Dell 15 5000 series, received August 23rd, but I didn't try setting it up until today, November 16th (had other fires to to put out..)  

Anyway, I plugged it in, pressed the power button, and .... NOTHING.

I removed the power cable, and tried again.  Then it powered on... but only as far as turning the keyboard lights on, and only after I pressed the space bar.  Nothing else.  Black screen.  No logo, no sounds, NOTHING.

Is this a dud?

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

November 16th, 2014 11:00

When a brand-new system won't power up, call Dell and have it exchanged for a working system.

1 Message

January 14th, 2017 17:00

I am always having to fix my uncles computer. He bought it back in September 2016. He has a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series model 5555 with Windows 10. While trying to fix the "Power adapter problem" I now can't get it to turn on.

In this post, you asked if it makes a sound while trying to come on. Yes, it does. The charge light will illuminate briefly and beep, then go dead. I hope you can help. It will be greatly appreciated.

1 Message

April 24th, 2017 16:00

Yes I am noticing beep sound

1 Message

July 8th, 2017 21:00

Did anybody find an answer??!!

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