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This post is more than 5 years old


March 13th, 2014 14:00

Dell Inspiron 15R 5537: Keyboard issues

​I usually type with both hands. I've had this laptop (Win 8.1) for quite a few weeks.​

​I frequently find some of the keys (mostly on the left side) of the keyboard are not registering, in particular these letters: E, C, D, R, A, S, B and O are problem keys. E and O are the worst ones.​

​The problem gets worse when I type a bit faster than usual.​

​I'm having to either type much slower than usual or proofread extra closely (which I never had to do when using my old laptop before it died) because of missing letters.​

​It's maddening. I've had this problem right at the start with this laptop, and it hasn't improved since.​

​Here's an example of the issue when typing at normal speed with both hands, without any corrections.​

​[unedited] This is just an xample of the issue with the kypresses not registering whn typing with both hands. The letter E gives m the most grief when typin. Somtimes the poblm occurs with other letters. I hav been typing for donkeys years and have rarly ha thi issu thi bad.​

​[corrected version] This is just an example of the issue with the keypresses not registering when typing with both hands. ​​The letter E gives me the most grief when typing.​​ Sometimes the problem occurs with other letters. I have been typing for donkeys years and have rarely had this issue this bad.​

​I've checked the keyboard and there aren't any defects that I can see. No crumbs or dust or whatever. I've checked the keyboard settings in the control panel, and the only settings available are: repeat rate and cursor blink speed. Dell doesn't include proprietary​​ ​​settings for the keyboard.​

​How can I fix this issue? Is the keyboard simply not sensitive enough to detect some of my keypresses?​

1 Message

July 18th, 2014 08:00

Hello ! I am having the same problem with my Dell 15 R 5537 .
How did you solved the problem ?

3 Posts

September 25th, 2015 17:00

Did you ever solve this issue??

1 Message

March 16th, 2016 17:00

I was having trouble with my entire keyboard (same model). A techie at Dell told me that I needed a new keyboard. I bought a new keyboard on ebay and it didn't change anything. In desperation, I decided to turn on Sticky Keys, and the keyboard worked. Makes no sense to me, but it worked. Nothing to lose. 

If you need a new keyboard, it is so easy to do yourself, and I have one at a very good price. Good luck!


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