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This post is more than 5 years old


February 25th, 2017 10:00

Dell XPS 13 2 in 1 - Freezing issues

I recently purchased a dell XPS 13 2 in 1 and it worked fine. I updated the latest version of all drivers from the Dell site and also updated windows 10.  Now the laptop intermittently freezes for 1-2 seconds often. This happens in general browing, typing and watching you tube videos.

I am not able to understand what is causing the issue as it worked fine before updating the drivers. Any help would be appreciated.

5 Posts

March 12th, 2017 11:00

Hi I am using 01.00.05, but I saw that there is an update 01.00.10. I will install and hopefully it will solve the issues. Thanks.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

March 12th, 2017 11:00

Since I haven't seen the problems I cannot tell you if 01.00.10 will help or not.  It did take a long time to install so make sure and have it plugged in..

5 Posts

March 12th, 2017 12:00

Thanks for the reply see below post.

17 Posts

March 13th, 2017 03:00

Hello Geo,

Now my laptop is much better except occasional freezes. I noticed that the laptop freezes more on Mozilla and Chrome than on Microsoft edge. I am now using Microsoft edge more often and it is smooth.

I also noted that my laptop speakers give out a screeching sound once a while and my USB drains the laptop while in sleep mode.

I believe there is some connection among all these and yes I'm not completely happy with the laptop

5 Posts

March 13th, 2017 15:00

Hi thank for your reply. The latest update in bios 01.00.10 seems to have resolved the issue!

1 Message

March 14th, 2017 01:00

Bios x.10 did improve.  But I still experience occasional freezing.  Not sure because I work primarily in Chrome, the freezing in Chrome seems to be the worst.  I'm quite disappointed a high end laptop would have this type of problem.  Dell needs to step up their game.

1 Message

October 12th, 2017 11:00

You need to disable Speedstep AND TurboBoost.

We deployed about 35 Dell XPS 2 in 1's with Windows 10 Enterprise in our organization.  At the beginning we noticed that this was happening with a lot of users and the computer also getting really hot.  Disabling both resolved the intermittent freezing and overheating issues.  

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