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This post is more than 5 years old


November 21st, 2015 21:00

Dell XPS 15 (Model 9550) touch screen no longer working.

I got my laptop just a few weeks ago, and it came with Windows 10.  Soon afterwards the touch screen started not working, very similar to the posts about the USB device being powered down to save battery (you can find those posts, from Dec 2013 else on this site).

However, I'm on Windows10, with the recent large November public update applied.  In device manager there is no 'USB Input Device' listed under Human Interface Devices.

Further: the System's Settings->About panel the OS is reporting under "Pen and Touch" that "No pen or touch input is available for this display".

So, beyond USB power settings, it seems like I'm completely missing the device driver for the touch screen.

I have applied every driver, bios & firmware update that I can find on the Dell support site.  Nothing fixed things.

Any hints?  Am I looking for a display driver or an input driver or something else?



April 6th, 2017 07:00


I have the same problem with my laptop and Dell Assist. Anyway, they asked to reinstall too and I find that rather unacceptable.

This guy seems to have found a solution - hopefully it will help. It seems to have worked for me SO FAR!!

3 Posts

December 18th, 2017 00:00

this problem is because the screen signal connector problem, you can take off the "M2x2" metal cover and unplug connector underneath and clean it , put connector back on the motherboard, then don't put the metal cover back but test it first, normally is because the connector problem when it under pressure, try it..

1 Message

December 18th, 2017 01:00

I'm  having the same issue with my laptop, touch screen driver in HID device manager is lost. what to do?

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