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This post is more than 5 years old


February 15th, 2009 03:00

Help! My new Dell Studio XPS 13 Laptop keeps on freezing up!

Hi Everyone!

I'm not sure if this topic has been covered before, I tried doing a search and couldn't find anything on it so that's why I started my own thread. I recently just purchased a Dell Studio XPS 13 laptop and just got it a little over a week ago. From the first day I got it, it froze up on me while installing firefox. I didn't think much of it so I just powered down by pressing the power button. Then a few days after that while trying to install the lojack for the computer it froze up again. I powered down and then before it even loaded completely on start up it froze again so again i powerd down. This happened 6 times over and over again and there were times when trying to boot back up the screen would just stay black and not load up at all. I finally talked to a dell tech support guy and he had me restore my laptop to factory. It didn't freeze up again after that for a couple days and then it started to do it again. Has anyone else have this problem with this particular laptop? Any suggestions on what it is or what I can do? Or do you guys think I have a defective laptop and should just exchange for another one? Help!

29 Posts

July 24th, 2009 10:00


That is unfortunate. I really hope he reads through this thread properly. We spent close to $100k on Dell Server hardware last year and currently have a quote in hand for a $66k blade and storage upgrade. While I understand that they are separate divisions, we bought an XPS which is supposed to be the cream of the crop. I bought my XPS through my business rep too, so shouldn't that afford a bit of attention to this matter?

I only use my laptop for a few hours a day and usually in power-savings mode to reduce the ridiculous heat the laptop puts out. I never run with Hybrid SLI enabled, so perhaps that's why I don't have the frequency of problems some of you have, but I definitely have experienced everything you all have. Multiple hard locks, some resulting in complete OS corruption, some resulting is BIOS checksum errors causing all my BIOS options to reset to default. I'm sure I'll run with Hybrid SLI enabled with Diablo 3 is released though, so I'm hoping this is fixed by then.

Kudos to Bill for stepping up in this frenzy of upset customers. That's not an easy task no matter how you look at it.

For now, I'm keeping an eye on this thread because if I experience another hard lock resulting in data loss, I'm going to push for a return or exchange for a different model. FYI, the new Macbooks use the exact same internal hardware almost (nVidia MCP97) as our XPS 13's, but don't suffer the same issues.

13 Posts

July 24th, 2009 10:00

I've been watching this thread too and I get emails of the posts popping up in my inbox every so often.  I'm still not experiencing problems since my latest upgrade and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  However, for those of you in the US, I did happen to speak with a computer "geek squad" employee the other day at Best Buy concerning this problem.  He said that they will look at your machine and give you a new one if they are unable to determine what is wrong with it.  Like I said, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed because I don't want to re-install software -- but maybe those of you in the US who purchased this at Best Buy could benefit from the knowledge.  Apparently, you don't need any special warranty as long as you bring it back soon enough.  I bought mine at the end of May and apparently that is a short enough time.

As for the Macbook... I may be biased as a PC user, but it seems to me that if you want any decent components in a Mac you have to spend a small fortune and $800 won't get you a Mac with these components.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

July 24th, 2009 11:00

 FYI, the new Macbooks use the exact same internal hardware almost (nVidia MCP97) as our XPS 13's, but don't suffer the same issues.

Not trying to be a PC or Dell fanboi or anything, but now for 2 minutes of Googling....

MBA intermittent lockups.

MBA is hawt!

Holy smokes! 12 pages of MBA heat complaints.

We are investigating the lockup issues. I will keep you updated. Thanks for your patience.



He didn't say MBA. He said "Macbook." Another 30 seconds of Googling.

29 Posts

July 24th, 2009 12:00

You have to search for the Aluminum Macbook Pro's as they have the MCP97 chipset. And posts from 2006 don't count. :) I'm not saying the Macbook's don't have issues, but my sister has two of the new ones and the heat isn't nearly as bad. It's close to my XPS 13 running with Dell Extended Battery Life enabled under Windows 7.

What has me more concerned is the data loss and BIOS corruption issue. Do you think that's related to heat Bill? That seems plausible as most folks in this thread are reporting it occurs more frequently when Hybrid SLI is enabled.

29 Posts

July 24th, 2009 12:00

Data lost from the HD. I had my OEM Vista install corrupt itself as well as an Ubuntu 9.04 installation immediately after a hard lock. I wound up reinstalling Vista from the DVD as I lost the service partition too.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

July 24th, 2009 12:00

Data loss from the HDD? Or lost data not saved to disk when the system locks up? The BIOS checksum stuff is a bit disconcerting. Let's hope that's heat related, since that seems to be the angle we are attacking for a fix.


2006 was a good year. :)

2 Posts

July 24th, 2009 19:00

I had similar problems with my Dell XPS 1330. I first noticed that the fan was repeatedly changing from the highest setting to off every 5 seconds or so. Along with this annoying problem, my computer would often freeze during times when I had a few windows open. The freezing was usually accompanied with odd vertical lines on the screen (sometimes colored and sometimes not). These odd lines, like something out of the matrix, also appeared sometimes when I tried to turn m computer on immediately following a freeze. After it bacame apparent that this problem was persistent and not just a fluke of having too many apps running at once, I decided to call
Dell Tech Support. The first associate directed me to the website in order to download the new video card driver for the NVIDIA 8400. My computer seemed to be working ok after that (i.e. not freezing every 30 minutes) but since I paid about $2000 for this laptop, I was still a little frustrated at the constant on and off of the fan. I once again called Dell Tech Support (I shouldn't even capitalize that) and the second associate danced around the problem and even had me install GoToAssist so that she could take control of my laptop in order to "fix" the problem. Though I continually mentioned that the fan was turning on and off repeatedly, none of the associates seemed to focus on that.

Anyway, this all culminated when just as I was typing 'XPS 1330 fan on and off' into the google searchbar, my computer froze again with those stupid lines all over the screen. I turned off my computer and tried to turn it back on. No Dell logo. Just lines. Again I powered off. And again I turned the laptop on. And again those lines were on the screen where the Dell logo usually resides. I was beginning to think this was a sick joke that God was playing on me. Anyway, eventually my laptop cooled down enough (through no help of its own fan) so that i could at least get windows to boot up. By this time, I had given up on dell tech support (note the lack of capitalization...which will probably get this post banned) so I once again googled 'XPS 1330 fan on and off'. Viola! This beautiful link pops up:

Apparently many people have had the same sorts as problems as I, though tech support seemed utterly clueless about this rampant problem within the XPS M1330 community. From this link, I was directed to download the new bios update from (click on drivers and downloads, then BIOS, then version A15 for me) and my fan and my computer have been running fine ever since...*crosses fingers*


2 Posts

July 24th, 2009 20:00

I know how you feel. If I didn't have so much invested in this dell clunker I would switch to a Macbook Pro in a heartbeat. My roommate has one and everytime he's gone I use his because it's so much more convenient.

6 Posts

July 24th, 2009 20:00

I had similar problems with my Dell XPS 1330. I first noticed that the fan was repeatedly changing from the highest setting to off every 5 seconds or so. Along with this annoying problem, my computer would often freeze during times when I had a few windows open. The freezing was usually accompanied with odd vertical lines on the screen (sometimes colored and sometimes not). These odd lines, like something out of the matrix, also appeared sometimes when I tried to turn m computer on immediately following a freeze. After it bacame apparent that this problem was persistent and not just a fluke of having too many apps running at once, I decided to call
Dell Tech Support. The first associate directed me to the website in order to download the new video card driver for the NVIDIA 8400. My computer seemed to be working ok after that (i.e. not freezing every 30 minutes) but since I paid about $2000 for this laptop, I was still a little frustrated at the constant on and off of the fan. I once again called Dell Tech Support (I shouldn't even capitalize that) and the second associate danced around the problem and even had me install GoToAssist so that she could take control of my laptop in order to "fix" the problem. Though I continually mentioned that the fan was turning on and off repeatedly, none of the associates seemed to focus on that.

Anyway, this all culminated when just as I was typing 'XPS 1330 fan on and off' into the google searchbar, my computer froze again with those stupid lines all over the screen. I turned off my computer and tried to turn it back on. No Dell logo. Just lines. Again I powered off. And again I turned the laptop on. And again those lines were on the screen where the Dell logo usually resides. I was beginning to think this was a sick joke that God was playing on me. Anyway, eventually my laptop cooled down enough (through no help of its own fan) so that i could at least get windows to boot up. By this time, I had given up on dell tech support (note the lack of capitalization...which will probably get this post banned) so I once again googled 'XPS 1330 fan on and off'. Viola! This beautiful link pops up:

Apparently many people have had the same sorts as problems as I, though tech support seemed utterly clueless about this rampant problem within the XPS M1330 community. From this link, I was directed to download the new bios update from (click on drivers and downloads, then BIOS, then version A15 for me) and my fan and my computer have been running fine ever since...*crosses fingers*


The M1330 had problems because the bad batch of nVidia graphics chipset, that is why Dell extended everyone's warranty by 1yr.  I had one and when Dell found out about the nVidia problem they band-aid the problem by having a bios upgrade (A15) where the fan would be constantly on.  Eventually that didn't work for some people either so they upgraded everyone's warranty.  I had to have my motherboard replaced on the M1330 and it worked great afterwards until I sold it.  The only reason I went to the 1340 was to get gigabit ethernet.  I hope yours doesn't die b/c my laptop had the same exact symptoms you're describing prior to its death(My laptop is on 24/7 so maybe that's why it die sooner which is better than dying later when you're out of warranty).

I get BSODs on this current laptop w/ any bittorrent application running which is another stupid problem.  Right now, I can't use any torrent application or else I'll get a BSOD w/ page_fault_in_non_paged_area or something to that effect.  I searched online and it is supposedly some software conflict but I never had that in Linux or on my M1330.  I'm so tempted to get the macbook pro 13" right now since they're giving a free Ipod touch w/ it and then sell the touch and part this laptop out on ebay.  I wouldn't want  my worst enemy to have this laptop.  This is the first Dell product that I regret buying. 

6 Posts

July 25th, 2009 00:00

Well, Vista 32bit SP1 wasn't any better.  2 lockups and 1 BSOD again w/ utorrent running in less than 15min of use.  I'm gonna try Windows7 w/ those modded drivers that Xanh recommended.  I'll let everyone know how it goes.

4 Posts

July 25th, 2009 09:00

Got the laptop crashed again and when touching the left backside it's too hot to touch..

This happened while playing a game with the laptop on a leather couch..

At least i can run the laptop on high power mode in windows, so it all is still an improvement...
Maybe this time it was a heat issue... But what does this say about the previous problems..
I was pretty sure that this is driver related as this problem started after updating the bios and installing the drivers again...
Still testing though.. I'll keep posting..

25 Posts

July 27th, 2009 07:00

Would I buy another laptop from dell again I don't know.  One thing I must say yes you screem and rant and rave but they they do at least try to retifiy the problem and they don't ingore you.  However I would like to see better knowlageable techs on the phone.  however part of me would like to get a laptop next time where there is a local authoirzed service center.  But then again I don't like many brands. I hate hp, I hate compaq and I hate gateway I've always liked dell There desktops are great It might be this model I don't konw but I have very mixed feelings. 

amen to that.

ive been in contact with dell numerous times now. infact i got a call from dell like an hour ago, informing me that they will not send me any parts or replacements because issue hasnt escalated that "far". and then they keep going on about legal terms/conditions and how good refurbished parts are and what not, they dont really listen to what the customer has to say.

but then Bill here had already been in contact with dell about getting me a proper replacement and when I forwarded those conversations to her, suddently the conversation changed and now they agreed to send me a new laptop. Even though I'm quite happy to hear this, I'm keeping my fingers crossed until I finally have a "new" & "working" laptop. I hope there arent any stupid faults like uneven feet and what not. I doubt they'd let me change to a different model after hearing your experience. Well I hope the new one doesnt freeze.


July 27th, 2009 07:00

I tried to get them to give me a differnet model they won't do it.  They won't give me a refund either this unit was brought at the end of May.  I can just hope that this will work it will if by slim chance it's the processor or they have new parts in the unit.  Somebody I know downloaded something called the Lemon law for computers and it's true.  If this unit does not work I'll will prsue in getting my money back Via lemon law


I have an update.  I got my new unit I'm kind of impressed WOW. but not all is perfect.  as I stated before my dvd Burner froze the whole machine when I did a copy and paste from the disk to the hard drive and or an external device.  Well I got a new oneLaptop  (hopefully not refurbished) They gave me another manufacture dvd burner.  instead of the TSSTCorp ts-633A I now have an HL-ST-St RW-gs20N.  So now that problem with resoloved. They also gave me an Western Digital drive vs the Hatachi, and they even changed the wireless adapter from the Dell 1515 to the 1510.  I believe the 1515 is aethoes and the 1510 is broardcom

Freeze ups I"ve had two but never again.  the first one my top buttons froze I just reset the bios and that fixed it. That could be because it was a new unit.  I did have one freeze while downloading a file but then again never.  I replaced the chipset video nic and wireless drivers but just re downloading  them again.

Now the bad THE FEET ARE UNEVEN. MY LAPTOP WOBBLES THIS TO ME IS UNACCEPTABLE FOR NOW I HAVE TAPE UNDERNEETH  .  well I have a call in and they will send out a tech to replace all 4 feet and the bottom piece.  Let's hope thats my only problem from here on in.  As far as heat is concerned it is running cooler than my oringal one betwwen 5 -10 degrees sometimes they are even but I've never seen this one hotter than the old one.  so wish me luck 


Would I buy another laptop from dell again I don't know.  One thing I must say yes you screem and rant and rave but they they do at least try to retifiy the problem and they don't ingore you.  However I would like to see better knowlageable techs on the phone.  however part of me would like to get a laptop next time where there is a local authoirzed service center.  But then again I don't like many brands. I hate hp, I hate compaq and I hate gateway I've always liked dell There desktops are great It might be this model I don't konw but I have very mixed feelings. 

29 Posts

July 27th, 2009 09:00

Well, I'm officially upset. My laptop was (lid closed) asleep overnight yet I came downstairs to the hard drive light on solid and the laptop hard locked again. I'm going to reload Vista x64, call support, and start pushing my Sales Rep for a refund or replacement with a different model. I don't want anything larger than a 13" though, so if Dell doesn't have another 13" model, I want a refund. Unfortunately, I am going out of town early Wednesday morning, so I'm going to have to wait until I get back next week.

July 27th, 2009 09:00

[quote user="thecomputergenius"]

Would I buy another laptop from dell again I don't know.  One thing I must say yes you screem and rant and rave but they they do at least try to retifiy the problem and they don't ingore you.  However I would like to see better knowlageable techs on the phone.  however part of me would like to get a laptop next time where there is a local authoirzed service center.  But then again I don't like many brands. I hate hp, I hate compaq and I hate gateway I've always liked dell There desktops are great It might be this model I don't konw but I have very mixed feelings. 

amen to that.

ive been in contact with dell numerous times now. infact i got a call from dell like an hour ago, informing me that they will not send me any parts or replacements because issue hasnt escalated that "far". and then they keep going on about legal terms/conditions and how good refurbished parts are and what not, they dont really listen to what the customer has to say.

but then Bill here had already been in contact with dell about getting me a proper replacement and when I forwarded those conversations to her, suddently the conversation changed and now they agreed to send me a new laptop. Even though I'm quite happy to hear this, I'm keeping my fingers crossed until I finally have a "new" & "working" laptop. I hope there arent any stupid faults like uneven feet and what not. I doubt they'd let me change to a different model after hearing your experience. Well I hope the new one doesnt freeze.





Thank you very much.  I hope it doesn't freeze.  I've also had static with certain techs from what I found you have to break there script that they use.  I happen to be a computer technician I can open up any desktops.  When I got certified they didn't train for laptops.  But I can diagnose. 

What I did was debate without insulting them.  In other words "from them it's a software issue"  I'd say  yeah but wait.  We changed the motherboard, we changed the memory and we changed the burner.  (all of the replacements were the same modell)  and I also put on vista 64 and 62 from disk and from partition.  and it still froze.  The only time it didn't freeze was when the video driver was enabled  So there might be a conflict between that burner and the video card (unlikely but it can happen)  better yet I brought this laptop with your software on it and it's unusable without using "your software"  Nvidia and burner" So fix it.    He didn't have anywhere to go.. So he spoke to his superviosr and got me a replacement.  But before that I said to him whats the point of a replacement if it's going to have all of the same parts init.  The only thing we didn't change was the processor and what I suggested try another model dvd burner.  It was said to me that if this doesn't work then I'd deal with upper managment. 


Guess what I got a differnt model dvd burner and a differnt wireless card (which the oringal one had a bad driver)  The bottom line is you have to trap them so they don't have anywhere to go. But you have to know more about a computer then they do.  One thing I didn't get was the blue tooth thing Best buy sells it with blue tooth but it doesn't come with blue tooth from dell (oh well I don't care about it)  They are monitored by quality control and if they hang up or get rude they will be repremanded. (I used to work in a call center for gateway)  The most imprortant thing for them is to get you off the phone and save the company money.  because the more calls the more money the call center makes. 

I really do like the power of this laptop and I hope its good from here on in.  if this replcement works I will be happy for a total outay for $899.00 +tax but you know what I had to go though a lot of redtape. Hopefully the feet will be solved but for now I have scotch tape on untl that gets settled as long as they don't have to take out parts I don't care. 

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