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This post is more than 5 years old


February 28th, 2012 19:00

Inspiron N5110 freezes with distorted display

I recently purchased an Inspiron N5110 with an intel core i-3. The problem is that occasionally the computer will freeze up with a distorted display and the only thing I can do is power it off by holding the power button. I have run the diagnostic test and it comes back good. Dell support thinks I have a virus but I am pretty sure this is a hardware issue. The computer has frozen in a variety of applications. Any help with this issue would be great. 

45 Posts

September 26th, 2013 22:00

The next step is to try the VGA on the left at the back laptop on a monitor to see if screen is ok then test the HDMI also on the left side .
If both of these work fine then it's good news only the screen need looking at could be a loose lead or just a faulty screen about to give up. They cost around £40 plus cost to install around £15- £25 would be fare. If any of these connections (VGA,HDMI) are showing the same signs on a standard monitor then you may need a new motherboard or i7 cpu. which would cost a lot more to fix. If it is a simply loose lead a good computer shop would charge around £10-£15 to sort it out. If new lead is needed then around £10-£15 for that. If you feel you could do it then you save money but at you'r own risk. at least at a shop you got cover is something still not right. 

1 Message

April 15th, 2014 03:00

Hi All,

This is happening a lot in my laptop too. I have disassembled and cleaned with Electronics cleaner spray and re-assembled it. It is working fine now.

Hope you will find it useful.


Sri Ram

1 Message

May 12th, 2014 10:00

On a cold morning, I either boot several minutes ahead of time to get more than a 1cm bar at the top of the screen, or I use a hair dryer to warm the screen and keyboard, front and back, to get a full screen sooner. If I am away from my hair dryer, I open the computer and hold iy close to my chest to warm it. The hand dryer in the Men's room also works to warm it quickly, if I am in a cool restaurant.

The display, when cold, is the only problem I have with my Inspiron 1440.

This reply is two years after your post. Perhaps you don't need it any more.

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