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August 3rd, 2004 12:00

Mouse cursor moves by its own against my will (acting like a spring)


I got a Dell Latitude D800 as you can see of my signature. Since i got this computer, i have had this error: When f.ex scrolling down (slowly, without stopping until the bottom is reached) on the side bars in Internet Explorer on long pages with the pointing stick, sometimes (actually very often!) the mouse seems to be resisting me gettting the mouse cursor down, and when i let the stick go, the cursor moves by it's own upwards, sometimes i a "hurry".. Dell have been changing the mainboard, keyboard, wristpad and toucpad up to 2 times each (no kidding) in short time (couple of weeks) without the problem beeing solved... I am using Windows XP Home Sp1a and have tried reinstalling it several times, and with the latest drivers availible on Dell's homepage. I also got the latest BIOS availible. Dell thought this had to do with the Operating system (drivers / software) but the man who changed all the parts on my computer had KNOPPIX (for you all that don't know what that is, take a look at on a CD and runned it on my computer and we tested the mouse again (stickpoint) and with the same result.. the cursor moved by it's own. So this should mean that it was not a software problem. Now Dell is offering me a new computer, AGAIN (you see, i had a Dell inspiron 8600d before with the very same problem, and belive it or not, but they changed almost all parts on my computer 3 or 4 times each before "giving up") So i am waiting to see if this problem will be solved on the next computer.. I was told that the Latitude D800 has a VERY similar setup as the Inspiron 8600 (cabinet, and some devices) so maybe this is a "production" error since it seems to happen on every computer i have had from Dell of this type. So while waiting i ask you Dell laptop users to give me some answeres, or maybe you do have some questions?

The "worst" is that Dell tells me that they have NEVER experienced this kinda problem before, ever. And they say they have searched the entire database they have and found nothing about this problem.. Well, Dell.. this Forum is a living evidence that this actually IS a problem and you can't just "let it go" and do nothing or ignore it..

Please respond to this, and hopefully with a solution that can help all these people with the same problem. I also should add that i never experienced this problem with the touchpad, but i like the pointing stick best. I have tried disabling the touchpad and also tried changing the cursor speed, and with little success so far.

3.1K Posts

August 3rd, 2004 19:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.

  1. Remove the system from the docking station, if applicable.
  2. Determine if there have been any recent hardware or software configuration changes.
  3. Disconnect external peripherals.
  4. Upgrade to or reinstall the latest touchpad drivers.
  5. Flash / Upgrade the BIOS.
  6. Change the sensitivity settings for the pointing device.

  • Apply pressure to the right of the touchpad.
  • Disable the touch-pad.
    • Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
    • Double-click the Mouse icon.
    • The Mouse Properties window appears.
    • Click the Device Settings tab.
    • Click to highlight Pointing Stick and click Disable.
    • Click OK.

    Further troubleshooting ideas can be found in this knowledgebase article.

    One more idea, often third-party mouse drivers can cause performance issues with the system's touchpad. If you are using an external mouse and it requires additional drivers, I would suspect that these drivers are likely conflicting with those for the touch-pad. You should remove the drivers for both pointing devices and then reinstall those for the mouse that you wish to use.

    HREF="">this knowledgebase article.

    A further idea, often third-party mouse drivers can cause performance issues with the system's touchpad. If you are using an external mouse and it requires additional drivers, I would suspect that these drivers are likely conflicting with those for the touch-pad. You should remove the drivers for both pointing devices and then reinstall those for the mouse that you wish to use.

August 3rd, 2004 20:00

#1. I don't have any docking station

#2. there has not been any hardware changes since i got this laptop, and i have reinstalled the operating system several times and everytime problem occus, with or without the mouse driver installed

#3 I do not have any external devices attached

#4 I have as i already told you, installed the very latest driver from Dell support page.

#5. The BIOS is up to date (A10)

#6. By changing the sensitivity of the mouse, the only difference is that the problem still occur, but the cursor does not move that fast by it self when it occurs.. so this did not solve it.

#7. What do you mean by this? Why should i press on the right of the touchpad? (it is NOT the touchpad i am having problems with, it is the pointing stick!) What should i expect to happen?

#8. And i repeat: it is the pointing stick i i am having problems with, so why should i disable it?

And i have alredy seen that article you are refering to and that did not help

And to the last comment you have, my answere is that if you read my text, you should have seen that i use drivers ONLY from Dell and not 3 party drivers.. or are you suggesting that i should download the driver from the producer (Alps) directly and install that??. And there is only one driver that i install and it automatically installs drivers both for the stick and the touchpad

And last but not least, i also tried Knoppix 3.4 and the same problem happened there, so this is most sure not a software problem since it shows up in any operating system with different drivers..

So i still am waiting to get a better answere..



Dell Latitude user

3.1K Posts

August 4th, 2004 14:00


The fact that the issue is also present in Knoppix tells me that there must be a hardware issue.  If your system is still within its warranty, then you should consider contacting Dell Support for a hardware replacement solution.

22 Posts

August 4th, 2004 23:00

I tested.  It does the same thing for me.  If I scroll down slowly, then eventually the scroll will stop.  If I release the cursor it will scroll up on it's own.

If I let go of the cursor for a few seconds, then the cursor resets itself and stays in one place.


Does your's reset if you leave it alone for a 10 seconds? 

August 5th, 2004 07:00

Yes, when i scroll down, and i sense that the mouse is "stopping/holding back", and i let go.. the mouse pointer goes up, up and eventually it will stop within 10 seconds.. and the mouse is "good" again.. until next time this happens.. But this does not only happen when scrolling, it could happen anytime when i use the mouse.. but with scrolling it happens a lot more often.. looks like it does not like to be hold to one position over time..

What kind of computer did you experience this on and what operating system do you use?

Finally i got this confirmed, that i am not the only one that has this problem.. since you and me got it, it must be a lot of other people also having this problem.. i think Dell has to find out what this causes.. And they have to stop denying that this is a problem and that they have never heard about this problem before..

Actually, this problem occurs when holding the stickpointer in one direction for a period (slowly) so by making the mousepointer go to the left, right, top or bottom of the screen, this happens.. And when the mouse goes by it self, there is no reaction from the touchpad at all either..  And i have tried ONLY holding the stickpointer without touching the rest of the computer, meaning i do not let the hand rest on the computer while using the mouse in case that did have something to say for the problem but it didn't

Message Edited by Siberiantiger on 08-05-2004 05:15 PM

1 Message

August 16th, 2004 14:00

Not to disillusion any of you - but I've had this problem with 6 different systems from the same model run 500/600. These laptops are trash. 6 of 10 have failed at least 1 time with this keyboard/pointer/handrest issue, 3 have failed multiple times. Dell keeps fixing them - but I've lost valuable production time - weeks not days - by having these systems down so much. These are the last Dell notebooks we'll be buying for quite a while.

4 Posts

August 17th, 2004 04:00


I've got same problem with Latitude C600 from time when i install windows xp.
I think the problem is software or OS problem. When i running on win2k it was without this failure.


4 Posts

August 17th, 2004 04:00


I've got sem problem with Latitude C600 from time when i install windows xp.
I think the problem is software/os problem. When i running on win2k it was without this failure.


August 17th, 2004 06:00

Ok maybe your problem is solved by software, but mine and many others are not.. because f.ex i have tried both windows xp, home and professional, with and witout dell drivers and also Knoppix, and that very same problem occurs.. So i think this is a hardware problem

4 Posts

August 17th, 2004 07:00

I don't know.

But my notebook is 6 years old. I don't think that is hardware problem. After 6 years?

August 17th, 2004 08:00

Have there been changed parts to try fixing this problem on your computer?

4 Posts

August 17th, 2004 16:00

Today I already eliminate this problem when i reinstal touchpad drivers and remove all other drivers like genius mouse driver etc.


August 17th, 2004 16:00

Do you have a Latitude D800 and using Windows XP Pro? exactly how did you remove / install the drivers to solve this?

August 20th, 2004 04:00

I have a Lattitude D800. Like everyone else who bought dell, I bought several design defects that the factory has not admitted to the owners nor recalled - crummy display hinges and endless problems with the cursor. Mine does the same spring loaded thing. It also does the occaisional jump to somewhere else thing. I have heard that the problem is a board that doesnt seat right. I have heard that if you squeeze the area around the touchpad you can temporarily fix it.

This does not imply the quality you expect of an american company at american company prices.

1 Message

August 22nd, 2004 20:00

I had the exact same issue with my Inspiron 4000 and 4100. It seems to be an issue with the case of the laptop. Seems like over time it kinda bends causing the mouse to move around by itself. I noticed if I but both hands under the laptop and bent up on it then the mouse would fly across the screen to the other side. Same thing with some of the keys...some of them would all of a sudden not work and I soon as I bent up on it like with the mouse problem they would work again. I solved the problem with the mouse by simply disabling the pointing stick. You may want to attach a regular mouse to be able to get this done if the touchpad one keeps moving and not letting you choose what you want such as going in to the control panel to modify the setting for the touchpad. Let me know if this work.  Hope it helps.
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