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This post is more than 5 years old


November 11th, 2009 00:00

New XPS 1645 Crashes constantly!


My new Studio XPS 1645 was just delivered 1-day ago, and after about 8 hours of use, it keeps crashing constantly. The pc remains froozen, monitor on, lights on, but no response at all. I just ran the Dell support tool, and all the test were passed. Please I need help, is there something wrong? Maybe a defective hardrive or motherboard?



37 Posts

January 6th, 2010 18:00

Theres been several issues that all of us (xps 1645 owners & users) have experienced. One of the big one personally have experienced is Freezing/Crashing.

From what i gather from several different sources, dell is scheduled to release a bios update that will resolve these issues (Mid-Late Jan 09).

When it is released i'm sure people will be posting back (Including myself) with their experiences and rejoicing that they can finally use their laptop to their full potential.

Mean while i would recommend just sitting tight since its only a few days till release from Dell :emotion-2:

37 Posts

January 6th, 2010 18:00

Hi Sky Saw,

Cheers thanks for that!


I'm sure like most of you are looking forward for this upcoming dell bios patch that is scheduled to be release soon! (Jan 2010) that resolves alot of these crashes & throttling.

The irony of it all would be attempting to update your bios and the machine crashes (mid way), would dell cover this by their warranty ?



23 Posts

January 6th, 2010 19:00

When the new bios update is available, will it automatically update?

Day 1 with new motherboard and memory.  No problems yet.




37 Posts

January 6th, 2010 19:00

Hi SwonderLich,

Thats great do keep us posted with your experiences with the new motherboard and memory ! what would be even more interesting is if you could write out in reply the details seen in the bios screen such as Bios version etc.

I've performed a clean installation so i've been refreshing this link (That lists out the latest dell drivers Bios etc) for the entire day planning to do it everyday:

(Note that the above link shows drivers related to vista /7 64)


23 Posts

January 6th, 2010 21:00

The bios is listed as A01, dated 10/5, although a Dell technician updated that when these problems first started. 

6 Posts

January 7th, 2010 03:00

Received 24 Dec. My motherboard was replaced 30 Dec. Have an issue with the Firewire (HDV capture) replaced 31 Dec. Had major issues with the freeze initially, but settled down but still happening (fresh install win 7 also from DVD 30 Dec + BIOS A03). Possibly Win 7 issue also? Finding it freezing with Outlook / receiving mail? Error Log is ati driver. Possibly has chance to write to log prior to freeze. Had one nasty video event (BSD). Thanks for post, and will look forward to new bios update.

4 Posts

January 9th, 2010 08:00

Last Saturday I spent my whole afternoon dealing with the tech department. They accessed my computer online and changed a few things. I remember that this very kind indian guy did the ATI  drive and he also turned off a few things and updated a few information. I don't usually use my computer that much during the week so today, 1 week later, I was just reading the news and this thing crashed again!!!! AGggghhhhh! I bought my computer on Dec 13 and received it on Dec. 23. Until when do I have for the returns? I need to go on a very long trip and need to take my computer with me. By the time I'm back home, it's going to be over the time allowed for returns without penalties.This is just very frustrating! I have spent so many hours inputing my software, information and things that I need in my laptop and if Dell cannot fix this thing, I'm going to have to return it.... What shall I do? I don't know much about computers. I see people in this forum that say things as if they know what they are talking about (BIOS stuff and drives, etc). I, on the other hand, paid a hefty price, know not much and all I need is a computer that works!!!!

37 Posts

January 10th, 2010 22:00

HI Swonderlich,

How is your dell machine after you've had all those component changes! any freezes still?



23 Posts

January 11th, 2010 06:00

So far, so good, after installation of a new motherboard and new memory.  I am not ready to call it fixed yet, as I had a relatively good period earlier in this saga, after which the computer locked up several times.  I used the computer extensively since the replacements, and am hopeful that the new parts fixed the problem.


4 Posts

January 11th, 2010 13:00

Well, I spent Saturday and Sunday dealing with this and there was no  Live Chat Tech Support. I called today and said that I wanted to return the computer. They said that they would not want to proceed with that until they assessed it directly, so they had to access and check it online. I sent an e-mail to the technician who had previously helped me and told him that I wanted to return the laptop. While he was directly accessing the computer, it crashed again, TWICE! He then called me and said that his conclusion is that they will need to fully exchange/replace the entire system for an equivalent or an upgraded version and that they will be sending me  another computer. Once I received the new one, I could send the one with problems back. 

So does anyone knows what happens with my warranty in that case? The invoice is dated Dec. 20 and I received this laptop on Dec. 23. When I get the new replacement, will my 2 years warranty start from this future day or from the day that I received/invoiced the one with problems? Since day one this thing is crashing. I'm very hesitant about keeping it. Do you think that I should give Dell an opportunity and let them exchange/replace this laptop for a brand new one (I will receive a brand new one in about 4 to 5 weeks the CR said), or shall I just go ahead a get my full credit back now?

23 Posts

January 11th, 2010 13:00

What are you supposed to do for the 4 to 5 weeks you are waiting?  Something tells me Dell could have a computer for you in a very short time frame, if they felt like it.  My computer has worked well for several days, after installation of new parts.  If it crashes again, I will be looking to return it for a refund, not an exchange.  That's just my opinion.

I recall reading a post from someone reporting that they received a new computer, but Dell tried to run the warranty coverage from the date they bought their first computer.  You are right to be concerned about that issue.

9 Posts

January 16th, 2010 20:00

hey, i am not sure if anyone will find this as interesting as i found it....i bought my system with the windows 7 upgrade, so it came with vista basically....anyway. IT NEVER FROZE WITH VISTA....i had vista on it for a month, after i installed windows 7, it froze and froze and froze some more.....interesting

7 Posts

January 16th, 2010 21:00

Same situation for me. But I have since reinstalled windows7 and did some tweeks. Havent had a problem yet

9 Posts

January 18th, 2010 22:00

As I can see, I'm not alone in this issue.

Since my first Start up, on Jan 9th, my Laptop froze 8 times and it shouldn't had frozen not even once!!!

Some of them was when I was "coming back" from an Hibernation. I don't know if that's the problem...

I also have updated my BIOS for A03 version and apparently the problem persists. The technician helped me with remote support and he messed up my computer! To improve performance and avoid error he went to the MSCONFIG and disabled All non-windows services. He is crazy!!! Now I'm having trouble to fix his mess and wasting time trying to figure out what services he shouldn't have disabled. My windows sidebar for example is not showing properly. Just some icons, so crazy.

My last try will be a new Win7 Clean installation. A laptop like that with a powerful config shouldnt ever have this kind of problems.

Best lucky for all of us.

Dell Studio XPS16 (1645)
| i7-720QM | 6GB DDR3-1333 | ATI 4670 1GB |
| 1080p WLED | 500GB HD | BD Burner | Windows 7 64-bit |

37 Posts

January 19th, 2010 00:00

Hi There,

Thats a terrible experience there, very sorry to hear that!

I can tell you now a fresh windows 7 install will not fix ! (Don't waste your time) this is a bios issue that will need to be addressed by dell.

From memory following several threads the "currently" leaked bios "X29" or "A05" addresses the issue for the ATI graphic card that causes random freezing. Don't bother installing a mod'ed ATI driver (Your wasting your time)

I have ran Dell and they have immediately acknowledge that this is a issue that they are currently addressing.

I'm incredibly annoyed that i was to purchase such a poorly made laptop (Throttling performance and freezing). Dell at least release a official minor version to address the freezing issue rather than attempting to "solve" the throttling with a 90 watt adapter which we all know is not possible referring to Sony & HP which all have 130 watt adapter and don't throttle (Not unless running on battery).

Its incredible that i have spent so much time researching on this issue that should have never appeared and should have been addressed and identified during QA before market release.

Thanks in advance,  

Frustrated Dell 1645 XPS user

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