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This post is more than 5 years old


February 24th, 2016 13:00

Precision 5510 crashing problems

I've had VERY bad luck with Dell laptops.  Last fall I ordered the new Dell XPS 15 and it arrived with bad motherboard and harddrive, both of which were replaced and it still didn't work.  So we then returned the order and purchased instead the newly released Precision 5510.  The problems weren't so immediately apparent, but soon it became clear that the computer would crash five or six times over the course of an 8 hour workday.  The crashes may be related to Outlook and/or Explorer, but it would frequently crash when the computer was completely idle.  We didn't return the computer because we thought the problem might be driver related, but after updating all the drivers, we moved onto potential conflicts with other software and hardware.  We finally decided to have it replaced, but the replacement had EXACTLY the same problem.  This is an awesome computer, and I haven't  been able to find any reports of similar problems, but when we had the same problems with an identical machine, I didn't know what to think.  I'll be returning this machine soon, but I wanted there to be a record of my problems in case others are encountering similar problems. 

11 Posts

July 20th, 2017 11:00

Had another crash today.  I left the computer running with the lid closed, hooked up to my two external monitors.  I walked away to eat lunch around 12:30 and came back to the laptop being shut off.  Looking at my graph it seems the shut down occurred at 1:05 - you can see the drop in the CPU temp and load in the lower graph.  The temperature at the crash was 37C and the CPU load was 27%.  The only thing running on the computer was Firefox with 6 tabs open.

The start up brought temp to 52C.  Again not a super high temp, so I'm beginning to think this isn't a temperature issue and rather a falty power manager because I'm plugged in and my battery is at 100%.  So for some reason the laptop is just randomly losing power.

I think it's time I reached out to Dell for help and possibly send it in for a fix that they won't be able to explain.

2 Posts

July 20th, 2017 11:00

I think you're right that it may not be a temperature issue.  I also agree that Dell probably won't be able to explain it.  Others in this thread have said that sending it in did not fix the issue.

11 Posts

July 24th, 2017 10:00

I contacted Dell and they recommended installing the latest BIOS and chipset.  I did that on Friday and came in today for work.  Machine crashed before noon.  It was also painfully slow to run any process; for example, my cursor couldn't keep up with my typing.

I am going on vacation next week, so I am requesting Dell take the machine and do a full diagnostic plus repair.  I hope that fixes the issue else I will start raising *** for a replacement.  I paid north of $2K for this computer and expect better reliability than this.

11 Posts

July 24th, 2017 10:00

To demonstrate how much of a problem I am dealing with, see my reliability monitor screen capture below

11 Posts

August 17th, 2017 11:00

Welp, I did a full wipe and reinstall of Windows.  I got a crash THE NEXT DAY.  Finally sent it back to Dell this week and hope to receive tomorrow with the issue fixed.  The dump files STILL are not recording any useful info.

I bought another 5510, refurbed, from Dell's outlet.  I needed it for some consulting work outside of my day job.  Haven't had a crash yet, but use it much less frequently than my company machine.  I hope I don't get the issue on the refurb unit but also think they fixed the issue in the refurb unit when it got returned to Dell.

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