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This post is more than 5 years old


44 Posts


June 9th, 2005 18:00

s-video not working

My latitude cpi-r 400gt has an s-video port on its right side. I can seem to get it to work to feed into my tv. I have the cable hooked up and i know the tv and cable work because when i turn on the dvd player when its hooked up it workd fine, but when i plug it into the laptop it wont work. Is there a utility i need to use or a configureation i need to mess with to get it to work??? i just want to use the s-video capability i have to watch the movies i have on my hard drive to play into the tv. Whats goin on here??? can anyone help me on this im stuck and confused. anyone that could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

770 Posts

June 9th, 2005 18:00

Well,  the standard response from Dell is that you must have the cable connected before you turn the power on for your notebook.  Personally,  I never found that to be the case,  but that is what they typically say.  Next,  you will need to go to the video settings,  and make sure that the S-Video (or TV) is detected and is actvated there.  I do not remember which video controller the CPiR has,  but I know on the newer C8x0 systems,  the ATI and the NVidia drivers had options for selecting which "displays" to use,  and the TV/S-Video option is there,  and would need to be activated.

One other side note for you to consider is that the S-Video cable will only send the video signal from the notebook to the the TV.  If you also want the audio to be played through the TV,  you will also need to use an audio-out connection on the notebook as well.

44 Posts

June 9th, 2005 19:00

i understand the audio concern and it works fine when i pug it into the reciever its jsut the s-video problem.

with that said, how would i be able to toggle wiht such a selection as you had mentioned before. It not in the video controlle settings, they are not in the control panel under video settings, nor is it in the harware driver control properties. How would i do that.

4 Posts

June 10th, 2005 09:00

@stevecotton wrote:
with that said, how would i be able to toggle wiht such a selection as you had mentioned before. It not in the video controlle settings, they are not in the control panel under video settings, nor is it in the harware driver control properties. How would i do that.

For me it works like this. Desktop right clik -->Properties-->Settings-->EXtend Desktop to Second Monitor-Advanced--> ATI Displays--> On TV click on blue target icon to set TV as primary Display--> Apply-->OK (You can give name and save this dektop sheme for further usage)

Note: Tv should be recognized by video card to have options for multiply monitor. If this is not case, try with rebooting comp. with  TV cable pluged in.

My card is ATI Radeon mobility.

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