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October 31st, 2016 10:00

Static noise from - Dell XPS 13 9350

I purchased a new dell XPS 13 9350 from BestBuy August 8, 2016 and have several sound problems.  First all sound stopped working about a month after purchasing the laptop but using the support site I discovered that 3 Intel drivers had been disabled. Once I reinstalled the drivers the audio began working again but another issue has continued. A periodic static noise.  

The laptop periodically emits a static noise anytime you press a key. When the noise starts it happens anytime you press a key regardless of what program is running and thus far there is no apparent trigger that causes it to start emitting the static noise. Twice I've run the diagnostic "Full Test" on the support site but the test does not find any problems. Considering the price of this laptop I am surprised and even more shocked to see that other people are also having issues with static sounds. 

I purchased an HP laptop last year for half the price of this laptop and have not had a single issues with that computer.    

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

October 31st, 2016 13:00

Hello. Look in the Recent Issues FAQ and see if the solution in the XPS 9350 & 9550 section helps.

2 Posts

November 7th, 2016 11:00

So far so good. I uninstalled the Realtek driver and then re-download it from the Dell site.  I will report back if the buzzing sound returns but for the past week this fix seems to have worked.  


January 22nd, 2017 22:00

I have had the XPS 13 for two years and it has done it since the beginning.  Here are my observations

It has on streaming audio (wifi)  and on local audio files (hard drive)

It happens on battery power and on AC power

It happens on headphones and speaker (definitely not a speaker issue).

I have tried disabling MaxxAudio, disabling the device in device manager, and updating the BIOS and drivers as supplied by Dell.

This is really frustrating. Is there anyway to get official words from Dell? If anyone finds a solution, please share it.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

January 23rd, 2017 08:00

The OP with a 9350, stated the noise started with a keystroke..  Is yours also doing that?  When the noise is happening, do you see any activity in the Task Manager which might be tied to the noise?

Have you used a Bluetooth headset for testing?  I ask about Bluetooth because it does not seem to use the "Speaker/headphones" device for output.

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