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This post is more than 5 years old


December 22nd, 2012 08:00

XPS 15z (L511Z) Laptop battery not charging

Hello all! I have an XPS 15z AKA the L511Z.

The laptop will not charge the battery anymore.  Here is a list of relevant facts:

  • When it is plugged in the battery level does not go down at all
  • When the battery is removed, the AC adapter will run the laptop.
  • In the BIOS the "AC Adapter Type" says "None". 
  • In windows the current battery says  "2829 hr 44 min (65%) remaining"
  • The current BIOS is A10 and I would like to update to A12 but it requires that both battery and AC adapter be connected.
  • I have ubuntu on dual boot (if this helps).
  • This problem first occurred after a windows update, but using restore point did not help.
  • The laptop is refurbished and out of the 1 year warranty.  After having some trouble with audio during the warranty period, the motherboard was replaced and 3 months later this problem has arisen.

Any ideas on how to fix the problem?  I would really like to flash to the newest A12 bios but have been unsuccessful so far after trying the following:

  • Starting Command Prompt as administrator and running the bios install with the /forceit command > still requires that charger+battery be recognized as attached.
  • Running bios install from boot USB stick > "program cannot be run from DOS"
  • Remove "Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery" driver within device manager > no effect

77 Posts

October 17th, 2013 06:00

Hi abdushka,

I have utilized my resources but failed to check battery availability in Tajikistan. You may try to purchase battery from any local store or you may purchase it from online store.

Feel free to reply for any further question.

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