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January 1st, 2017 08:00

XPS 9550 Always Slow Performance, again the power settings BUG?


I have a Dell XPS 15 9550 with the following configuration
16 GB Ram
Full HD Screen

I experienced a big loss on performance from saturday. I did nothing different from usual, this is the PC that I use for work, so just normal operation with or without the wired power supply.
I noticed that because everything I do now is slowed down, from browsing the web to start programs, to run also 3D Applications.
The PC is completely updated to all the new Windows 10 updates and drivers. I did drivers updates through the DELL tools.

From the Task manager perfomrance monitor I noticed that the CPU speed is always 0.78 Ghz instead of 2.6 Ghz, no matter if I run heavy aplications or I plug or unplug the power cable.
I read from this forum several topics about a BIOS bug on this PC: entering the power save mode and going back to normal mode unplugging and pluggig the power cable, doesn't really affect the PC to go back to the full performance settings. People found a temporary solution logging off or restarting the PC, or disabling the SPEED STEP and C-STATE option from the BIOS performance panel. A DELL offical employee followed the case and DELL updated the BIOS tagging the solution as as solved.
I updated the BIOS yesterday to the last one : 1.2.18. --> Problem not solved
I disabled the SPEED STEP and C-STATE option from the BIOS --> From the Task Manager Performance monitor i can see now the speed of the CPU back to the full speed but the PC is still slow exactly as before.
I tried to switch between different power settings, from HIGH PERFORMANCE to BALANCED to DELL without any success or effective changes on the performance of the PC.

Do you know any solutions? I really dont know what to do now to have back the full performance of this PC.



5 Posts

January 13th, 2017 08:00

So I solved my problem like "Tomeklives".

I've contacted in total 3 times the support.

These were their solutions:

1. Reinstall windows, we believe that there is some process locking your CPU --> I did the reset keeping my files, nothing.

2. Reinsall windows without keeping my files --> nothing.

3. "We send you a technician  with a new motherboard" --> it worked. ^^

The technician told me about a new bug that it is causing problems on many pc not only laptop. New laws avoid to use some soldering materials that seem to be toxic but it generated a lot of malfunctions on the CPU or GPU that are directly soldered on the motherboard. If too much solicited some micro-fractures are created on the soldering layer.

Dunno if this is the case. BTW replacing the motherboard wiith, of course, the CPU and GPU attached worked.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

January 1st, 2017 08:00

I would probably try to find out if something was running taking up processor time.  You can use Task Manager and/or the Resource Monitor to watch the percentage by setting the CPU column to show most CPU usage at the top of the column.

In Task Manger use the Processes or Details tabs and in Resource Manager, look through it and become familiar with what it might show.  If you see anything suspicious, let us know.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

January 1st, 2017 09:00

Two questions.. what is using the 17% and does the processor never speed up, even when opening a new utility?

5 Posts

January 1st, 2017 09:00

Thanks for your kind answer. I have already did that test, from the PERFORMANCE tab of the task manager. As is possible to check from the picture the speed is around 0.75 GHz and it's always that speed. The utilization is also always around the 17%, the test has been done opening several heavy application.

5 Posts

January 1st, 2017 10:00

Several application run and participate to that amount of load of CPU, there is no particular application that i take all the load.

the feeling as I read on the forum is that the OS is blocking the resources as it happens when i'm in the battery saver mode.

3 Posts

January 13th, 2017 06:00


I thought I'd share my experience because I just went through a long month of tech support which involved updating every possible driver, BIOS, and changing settings.

*** BE WARNED *** the first tech support guy told me to disable Speed Step in bios which gave the false impression it was solved.  The performance monitor will now show full CPU speed but the performance of the system is still slow.  They insisted the problem was solved now.

I downloaded benchmark software: Cinebench r15 and CPU Mark and compared my scores vs what the system should be based on reviews of this machine.  It was running about 33% of the speed.

Finally, they escalated the case and my motherboard was replaced.  As soon as the technician finished I ran the benchmarks and everything was running at full speed again.  The difference was noticeable immediately, even just web browsing.

I'm obviously not the only one with this issue and I can imagine a lot of others have it and do not notice because you really need to go into the performance monitor or run some benchmarks to have actual evidence something is wrong.

15 Posts

January 13th, 2017 07:00

We have the exact same issue with many of our laptops. But it is the 7370. Ours gets stuck at .39  Will post any of my findings

3 Posts

January 13th, 2017 12:00

Glad to hear I'm not the only one and that other people had the same solution.

I really suggest sending the Dell support a link to this forum.  The problem I had is that they said it was not a 'known issue' and were reluctant to replace the motherboard.  

3 Posts

January 13th, 2017 12:00

If anyone else has this issue, refer Dell support to this forum.

They told me they had never heard of this problem.

2 Posts

January 22nd, 2017 00:00

I had the same problem on my dell xps 9350. I went into bios and intel turbo boost technology was turned off. I turned it back on and now it's working as usual

August 2nd, 2017 20:00

How were you able to escalate to the next level? I've sent tech support this thread because i'm having the same issue. They have done cleanup's remotely on my computer because I purchased one time help, but i am 100% sure this is my issue, i've done a new bios download, reinstalled windows you name it. I just wanted to know how you were able to get past the first level of tech support and able to get it escalated.

5 Posts

August 3rd, 2017 02:00

The solution to my problem was call the help desk, they sent a technician that at the end changed the motherboard with CPU etc.

He said that he found a lot of similar issue on similar new generation PC.

He's opinion was that from when the rules on the soldering paste of the CPU has changed in EU, (I think was toxic in some way), lot of high performance PC had this type of problems. After they broke they use to find micro-fractures on the soldering paste of the CPU. In this way some of the CPU feet disable generating random issue. Btw the origin of the issue is the overheating in my case. TAKE this with a pinch of salt because it was just a technician opinion.

1 Message

August 3rd, 2017 12:00

Were you under warranty when they changed out your motherboard?  

1 Message

September 18th, 2017 13:00

I have this same issue with my XPS 9550. On chat support, they say they have no knowledge base of this issue.

My CPU utilization is capped at 30% (0.78 GHz) when doing a stress test. It passes the test just fine, but the CPU is somehow throttled and capped at 30%.

The performance struggles mightily with many basic programs and it is very noticeably slower.

Are there any fixes other than the motherboard replacement?

1 Message

October 17th, 2017 01:00

I am currently having the same problem, on a dell xps 9560 from 2017.

I am on warranty so jumping through hoops with support currently. Have now tried a clean reinstall of windows, and the problem persist. Support told me that the problem was normal when drivers are not updated. Only problem is that i updated all drivers, both windows update and through support assist. Manually downloaded and updated the intel gfx 630 drivers, since there is a known issue with these. Also updated to 1050 drivers manually. Hoping support will move on to send a technician soon, since its been 10 days of back and forth now.

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