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2 Posts


December 27th, 2021 12:00

how to fix "we are unable to detect any disk that can be utilized for a cloud restore"

I'm a reseller and, this had me stumped for a good minute and googling didn't get me anywhere even though it brought me here a few times. I was working on a Dell Latitude 7420 and was trying to use the Dell tool to restore the system [can be found on this link] That will give you the recovery tool. There is a extra step you need to do. Look on the bottom where it says "switch to advanced recovery" over on the right hand side you should be able to click "for another computer" put in the service tag for the computer you want to work on and follow those prompts. It will take much longer as its downloading the whole ISO onto the usb drive along with all the drivers. Then put it back into the laptop your working on and it will work just fine. 

First post on here and I maybe posting more as I come across other issues

December 27th, 2021 12:00

Posting again so I can show this as solved. Hope this helps others who maybe facing the same issue 

2 Posts

December 28th, 2021 01:00

Thank you for sharing informative information.



1 Rookie


4 Posts

June 8th, 2022 14:00

I cant See the solution post I have the same situation.

1 Message

August 28th, 2023 10:10

I chooses from the bottom "switch to advanced recovery" and over on the right hand side selected for another computer" then put in the service tag for the Laptop. 

But still same issue ..How do solve ?

1 Message

September 19th, 2023 20:48

Many thanks to you, good sir or ma'am, for providing this information!   I have spent at least 20 hours over several weeks trying to get my machine to work.   Frustration was winning until I saw this simple "secret" all the other Dell info forgot/didn't know/omitted.   Thanks again.


1 Message

October 16th, 2023 20:08

Multiple tries to Reset with Support Assist over the internet failed with "...unable to find any disk..."
Created a USB stick with Support Assist using the link . Booted to USB, chose Advanced Recovery, and that worked.

1 Message

November 16th, 2023 20:34

I have this same issue but this solution is not working for me and have tried changing BIOS options and nothing.

2 Posts

December 5th, 2023 11:35

Is there a real solution instead of a workaround? We have the same issue with all Precisions 5570 after cleaning HDD partitions using "diskpart clean" command. 

Moreover, if I use USB recovery disk, the recovery process gets ALWAYS stucked at 99,2% which means that OS is installed, but the local supportAssist partition is broken (just a blue screen is shown when reset from the boot menu (F12) is started)

2 Posts

December 6th, 2023 19:09


Stroy background:

Computer model: OptiPlex 3090 Ultra

OS: Window 11 Business

I upgraded my hard drive, so I need to reinstall the OS on the blank hard drive. 

I have tried the "Advanced Recovery", it didn't work.

Solution: Do NOT use Dell's recovery tool.  use a flash drive to create a recovery disk, then press F12, boot from the flash drive.

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