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December 5th, 2023 09:17

Resolution issue with Latitude 5420/5430 + D6000 + external Dell monitor (various models)

We have recently started getting an issue whereby users with the above equipment are finding that on startup, the external monitor will only display 64- x 480, and won't give the option to change resolution.  We have discovered a "fix", which is as simple as disconnecting the screen from the D6000, and reconnecting.

We have tried different methods of connecting the screen to the dock - DP/HDMI/VGA>HDMI adapter - and we have updated the D6000 firmware.  This is only affecting 20 or so at the moment, but we have hundreds out there, all running on the same image, so this has the potential to become a big problem.

Has anyone else come across a similar issue recently?

1 Message

December 5th, 2023 17:06

Depending on your intel driver, upgrade to the latest version This will fix any Outlook protected view issue that you will soon experience as a result of a intel driver.

Then for the resolution issue you will need to do this. 

Regedit - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000\

Edit Key - DPMstDscDisable which has a value of 2, change it to 0 then restart the computer. 

After the reboot you should be able to scale the monitors back up. This fixed all of the issues with our Latitude 7440s. Intel needs to do some better QA work. 


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