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March 3rd, 2013 17:00

Intel Haswell availability?

This might a bit a too early to ask, but do you already have any plans regarding Intel Haswell? In particular, do you plan to release an updated version of XPS 13 with Haswell under the hood or will come with a completely new laptop? I'm seriously considering an upgrade to Sputnik, but the improvements in Haswell, in particular better power management and faster graphics, are big enough that I might wait a few months.

12 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

Now I see where you are coming from.  My interpretation of Mr. George's comment was that a new Ubuntu-based developer laptop was coming (and would be based on the XPS lineup just like the existing model).  You seem to think that it will be based on a different line -- or maybe you know something that I don't.

Anyway, I'm waiting for now to see what the Precision M3800 offers, as well as the next Ubuntu-based system.  Then I will make a decision.  :)

33 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

Dell introduced the 7000 series as their new lineup of ultra books. I doubt they will be offering two series of ultrabooks...

33 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

Well, sorry if I posted premature conclusions. I apologize.

I hope that if and when Dell comes up with an XPS DE replacement it's not too late (for me)...

12 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

I wasn't a huge fan of the 7000 series either, at least not as a development laptop.  If I were shopping for something for my parents it might be on the list (and even then it's probably way too expensive for their purposes) but for me, no thanks.  Low screen resolution, small RAM, small storage space, etc.  I think 3.6 pounds is actually a fine weight.  The Galago I returned was 3.8 pounds, which was just fine for me.  It was actually a nice size and weight.

I don't agree that Dell needs to introduce an "all new series" to keep my interest however.  I would be thrilled with a refresh of this XPS model with a better CPU, more RAM, and more storage.  Mr. George has already expressed that an Ubuntu-based follow up is coming so I'm excited to see what it offers.  The Precision M3800 looks very interesting as well, but I can't really comment on whether or not it would be for me since we don't yet know the full specs.  I can only assume it will come with Windows installed on it, but if the hardware is up to par I would be fine with installing Linux on it myself.  But purchasing a computer that ships with Ubuntu is even more enticing since it has been tested and designed for Linux.

I had actually discounted the XPS 13 DE and didn't look at it seriously until I returned the Galago.  After that, I began looking into it more seriously and reading reviews only improved my opinion of it (especially the one that mentioned two finger scrolling with inertia!).  I'm excited to see what sort of updates are coming, but any speculation around what is or is not coming is just that -- speculation.  We'll just have to be patient for now and offer as much positive reinforcement as possible.  We want Dell to think that Linux users are an intelligent, reasonable, and supportive bunch.  ;)

350 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

We have Inspiron ultrabooks too, and XPS is still around... (Also, the Latitude 6430u has been around for a while and came out after the XPS 13.)

33 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

Basically I agree, however: the DE is quite likely based on some existing product, like the XPS DE was based on the XPS 13. There's the problem: the XPS 13 got replaced by the ( . Sorry for obscenity) 7000 series.

Now, it certainly depends on what Dell decides, as Mr. George pointed out. Maybe they come up with a 15 inch DE (not my flavour) - I have no idea what may be the basis for such a machine.

Now, if Dell intends to bring a direct successor to the XPS 13, i.e. a laptop in ranging somewhere from 12 to 14 inches, it seems likely (perhaps even obvious) that such a machine may be based on the 7000...

We'll see, however, I fear! 

350 Posts

September 3rd, 2013 18:00

"There's the problem: the XPS 13 got replaced by the <ADMIN NOTE: Substitute character removed as per TOU> Sorry for obscenity) 7000 series."

How did you come to this conclusion?

September 4th, 2013 07:00

The new Precision notebooks look like a step back only if you compare them to the XPS 13 ultrabooks. However, Precision notebooks are mostly designed for businesses and enterprise customers. XPS ultrabooks are consumer products. Therefore I seriously expect that Dell will release new better versions of the XPS laptops end of September, or middle of October, unless things are so bad at Dell that they will decide to kill the XPS line completely.

1 Message

September 11th, 2013 09:00


First of all, thanks for your awesome work :)

My feedback:

1.- Haswell + Iris pro

2.- I'd really like to buy the next developer edition with a Latin american keyboard.  Are we going to have that possibility?.  I'd pay more for that keyboard if it's necessary.

Thanks again.


September 13th, 2013 03:00

My feedback:

1. More interested in battery life and quad-core than Iris. But quad core may not fit in an ultrabook :(

2. If someone's requesting custom keyboards, can we finally have something ergonomic? Like keys in vertical columns and a colemak layout? I know the answer will be no, but can't for the life of me understand why people are concerned about the micro optimisations (regional differences) when the macro ones (staggered key positions, qwerty layout) haven't been improved from when they were originally designed to stop typewriter arms jamming.

Back to the XPS 13 DE: I think it's a brilliant idea. Mobile + high res (unfortunately not matt or passive) screen + enough CPU power for at least a bit of compiling. Oh, forgot the current version doesn't have a high res screen. Will the Haswell refresh add that?

12 Posts

September 14th, 2013 08:00

The current version has a 1920x1080 display packed into a 13 inch screen.  That's going to be pretty darn sharp and typically 1080 is considered "full HD" so exactly how high of a resolution are you looking for?  I think 1920x1080 is excellent.  Are you looking for something like Apple's "retina" display (13" model is 2560x1600)?  Personally I don't really see that being a requirement.

I'm actually looking at this laptop again quite seriously.  It looks like I'll be starting a new job soon (I'll be accepting the offer on Monday) and the hiring manager's only requirement for a system was that he won't buy a Windows system.  Most people are running Macs (at least one guy was even running Ubuntu on it), and at least two people had System76 laptops.  Not sure how much RAM I will need at this company so 8GB may actually be sufficient, but given my previous experience with the Galago Ultrapro -- I probably won't be asking for a System76 laptop.

So I'll probably either be running Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro or this XPS 13 DE.  The advantage of buying the Dell is that I get to support my local business (Keep Austin Weird!) and support a company that is embracing/contributing to open-source software (even if it's only a small experimental part of the company).  Would sort of hate to get this model immediately before a new revision comes out but such is life sometimes.

1 Message

September 14th, 2013 16:00

I'm a software developer, so I would highly rate RAM and a quality keyboard, then build quality, battery life etc. For the display, intel graphics and 1080p seems sufficient for me at least. Also, the reviews I can see all say the RAM is soldered to the main board. Please don't do that!

Basically I'd look at all the people who traditionally have bought thinkpads like the x220 or one of the t-series, but are looking for a new home. Lenovo changed the keyboard to one more like what Dell and Apple use. I suppose I can learn to like the feel, but they also removed the pageup/pagedown and scroll lock and print screen. The xps keyboard seems even more simplified which is a shame. Is there any chance you'd consider bringing back a grown-ups' keyboard?

If I were speccing one of these to also play games on, I'd want it to work at least with some of the popular linux titles now available on steam. In fact, I'd probably expect the steam client to come pre-loaded.

September 15th, 2013 03:00

The current version has a 1920x1080 display packed into a 13 inch screen.  That's going to be pretty darn sharp and typically 1080 is considered "full HD" so exactly how high of a resolution are you looking for?  I think 1920x1080 is excellent.  Are you looking for something like Apple's "retina" display (13" model is 2560x1600)?  Personally I don't really see that being a requirement.

Sorry, I got confused about the screen (there's also a 720p option).

But yes, would love to hear about availability of a Haswell model.

12 Posts

September 17th, 2013 06:00

I may be mistaken but I believe that the 720p screens are for the Windows version of the XPS 13 only.  The "Developer Edition" comes with a 1080p screen which should be razor sharp on that screen size.  I know the configuration has already been refreshed once in the past, so perhaps the first version of the XPS 13 DE had a 720p screen as well?  In any case, the current revision is definitely 1080p.

I really hope to see a refresh soon too!  I think we all do.  :)

With projects like this, and Steam, and even Android -- I think Linux is finally becoming recognized as a mainstream competitor.  Of course, we all knew this years ago but it's not our fault that everyone else is just now catching up.  ;)

1 Message

September 17th, 2013 15:00

Hi everyone, I also registered just for this topic. Seems I'm not alone with the opinion, that there is no real competitor to the Macbook Air/Pro series on the market... (Especially with the haswell refresh of the Air and the upcoming refresh of the Pro version.) I bought the XPS 13 some month ago, but had to send it back because of issues with the trackpad. However, in general my experiences with it were quite nice and it's still the only serious linux ultrabook. If Dell could upgrade some specific specs and work on existing problems I am willing to give a possible XPS 13 DE refresh a new chance. Therefore, here is my 'wishlist' for a (hopefully) soon XPS refresh:

Crucial features:

  • Refresh (and official announcement) soon: I think there are a lot of people badly waiting for options in context of haswell ultrabooks and other companies will release haswell refreshes as well in that segment.
  • Haswell: Increased battery life etc.; battery life on XPS 2013 was quite ok, but compared to the (effective!) 10-12 h of the new Air... I wouldn't buy any laptop now with an (effective) life lower than 8-9 h.
  • Screen:
    • 13,3'' is alright, but I would prefer a 14'', especially a slightly increased height for reading code would be nice. 
    • The screen is much too glossy! I like the 1080 IPS display, but sometimes it's not possible to avoid the sunlight even inside. In the end laptops are made for using them in different environments, so you cannot always avoid non-perfect light conditions. And that REALLY sucks with the actual display. I would prefer a matte display in general. In case you can't change that I think there might be ways to at least reduce the 'glossiness' of the screen somehow - like it is now it's definitely too much and prevents sometimes to use the laptop.
  • Trackpad: I can't help, I didn't get the feeling for the XPS trackpad when I used it. It's hard to describe but it would like you to do lots and lots of testing of that particular aspect, since you're dealing with it all the time you're using the laptop. The trackpad feeling makes much of the usability for me. Also this issue leads to the next point:
  • General build quality: You did a quite good job here up to now. Definitely keep this like it is or even improve the quality (if that is possible). One of the first points I look at.
  • Faster support of newest Ubuntu version: I know this should be already the case. However, I had problems with my XPS with 13.04 around that time (end of June) with driver support (backlight). I think it's important to put more effort here and to be really sure everything works out of the box. (That's the main point by selling a linux pre-installed machine, isn't it?)

Nice to have:

  • Dock option: Some people here suggested the option to be able to dock the laptop via thunderbolt to monitor and keybord.
  • SD card reader: Really helpful and definitely more worth than, e.g., the battery life indicator.
  • Ubuntu super key: Someone here said it already: Details matter!
  • 512gb SSD: 256gb is fine for most issues, a 512gb option would be better. (Even if I don't know if you sell enough machines for several versions of the laptop being profitable.)

All in all I think you guys do a really good job with the Sputnik releases! I think you can play a leading role in the future development of Ubuntu to a mainstream distribution and profit a lot from upcoming releases and efforts linux related. Maybe right know the profit from it is only marginal but it might give you guys future options... ;) Hope to hear soon from a haswell-related XPS release! :)

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