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This post is more than 5 years old



September 24th, 2007 14:00

Problem with network card and sound in Vostro 200

Hello: I tried install OpenSuse 10.2 into desktop Vostro 200 and the distribution not recognize the network card and sound. How i can use these. Thanks for your help Pier Gotta

7 Posts

October 1st, 2007 03:00

I have been told that for several Linux distros the sound card is not set up through the installation process. When I first installed Linspire, it was. When I installed Kubuntu, it was not. So, if other distros have the same problem, hopefully the same remedy works.
Open up the Terminal program (program similar to DOS Prompt). Then type this and press Enter:

asoundconf list

This will list all your sound card options, including on-board sound. Write down the name of the sound card you want to use exactly as it appears (providing you have more than one in that list). Then type this, replacing CARD with the name of the card you want to use, and press Enter:

asoundconf set-default-card CARD

If you have SoundBlaster Live, the list will show "Live". So you would enter "asoundconf set-default-card Live". Your sound card will be set. Restart your system so that it enables it for you. If you chose an integrated sound card, and you still have sound issues, simply go back through the steps and choose your alternate card. Typically, I can't see more than two cards appearing in a person's list. On-board integrated garbage, and a decent installed card (such as SoundBlaster Audigy). Hope this works for you.
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