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This post is more than 5 years old


January 6th, 2017 08:00

TB16 Dock Linux Support

As there are currently going replacement units around for the upcoming TB16 Dock (I heard it will be for sale during mid Jan.), I wanted to know if anyone can already state something about its performance in combination with latest drivers, firmwares and kernels? Is it finally a useful thing?

November 17th, 2020 07:00

TBH I don't remember. I recently wiped my home folder and lost my notes from when I was running this.

When you run 

```sudo fwupdmgr get-devices```

You should get the following four devices for the TB-16, so I've listed the firmware I have for mine so they match with yours or are all of them showing as then?

Dell TB16 Thunderbolt Cable

Dell TB16 Port Controller 1

Dell TB16 Port Controller 2

Dell TB16

6 Posts

November 17th, 2020 11:00

@Steve Mapes 

Thanks for your reply. 

'fwupdmge get-devices' - I didn't need to use 'sudo' - gives me: 

Dell TB16, Current Version 0.0.0 

Dell Thunderbolt Cable, Current Version 16.00

Dell Thunderbolt Dock, Current Version 16.00

Dell TB16 Port Controller 1, Current Version 1.2.17

Dell TB16 Port Controller 2, Current Version 1.2.50

Dell TB16 Port Thunderbolt Cable, Current Version 0.3.18

So my versions seem to be the same as yours, which gives me a lot of comfort.  I don't know whether these are the versions it came with (in November 2017), or whether they've been updated automatically without my realising.  (I wouldn't have been aware of fwupdmgr until fairly recently.)  It would be helpful if the DELL TB16 support page could list what the latest versions should be.  

Many thanks and regards







November 18th, 2020 00:00

I completely agree all we know from the support site is that the windows update utility is version 1.0.2 but not the version the firmware itself is. Hopefully someone from the dell support team will stumble upon this thread and realise they are missing vital information
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