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This post is more than 5 years old


July 15th, 2016 21:00

XPS 15, Linux no longer resumes from sleep w/ Bios 1.2.10

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on an XPS 15 9550, dual-booting with Windows 10.  It was working reasonably well straight out of the box, and even better after using some of the tips here.   I recently upgraded bios to 1.2.10 (Jul 5th release) in the hopes that it would fix the inability to drive a mini-display-port adapter from the usb-c port (neither Windows nor Linux were able to).  Now Ubuntu is no longer able to resume from sleep.  It works fine when booted, and goes to sleep when the lid closes, but on wakeup the keyboard lights come on and no other visible activity takes place.

Are there any bios settings I should try, or just try reinstalling 1.2.0? 

19 Posts

October 7th, 2016 00:00

I've used the hsamed script (systemd) and put it in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/fixbacklight and can suspend/resume without the monitor turned off (BIOS 1.2.14). Thanks a lot for everyone involved!

On caveat I still have is that on lowest brightness setting the monitor becames so-dark that I need a flashlight (or I suspect direct sunlight at midday) to see what's in the monitor. Is that an intended functionality from Dell?

Hi @morhook thanks for confirming the success wiith this workaround. Are you running in EFI mode or in Legacy BIOS mode?
Are there other users running in EFI mode without a bootloader (such as grub) who are having issues with resume after suspending by closing the lid? I'm running Arch Linux on my Precision 5510 and 9/10 times my machine would reboot when the lid was opened after a suspend.
The issue was way worse if I was running on battery or if I disconnected the adapter while the machine was sleeping which is a very common scenario when the machine is moved between locations. Reverting to BIOS version 1.2.0 which is available at has fixed the resume from suspend issue.

19 Posts

October 7th, 2016 00:00

This page has lots of useful information for tuning Ubuntu on an XPS:

It's worth nothig that this page is about the XPS-15 not the Precision 5510. Largely the same but may be a factor for BIOS updates and other hardware firmware updates.

10 Posts

October 7th, 2016 09:00

@aalotia: I'm also running archlinux on my XPS 15 (9550) with EFI booting.

To fix your suspend/resume failures I recommend you try:

- Disable asynchronous suspend and resume of devices: echo 0 > /sys/power/pm_async

- Unload troublesome modules on suspend (see package systemd-suspend-modules)

I used to have resume failures all the time. The troublesome modules for me where the wireless driver (Broadcom card: brcmfmac) and the USB3 driver (xhci_pci). I haven't had a resume failure in quite a while and I'm running the latest BIOS.

19 Posts

October 7th, 2016 11:00

@JOSE.MARINO thanks for the info this is very useful.

Some further questions:

  • Have you written an upstart job to make the sysfs change on every boot.
  • Do you have the hi-res touchscreen display with the Optimus graphics or the matte display with the integrated graphics?

Are you facing any of the backlighting issues that have been noted in this thread

and have you used any of the workaround scripts?

Thanks again,


36 Posts

October 7th, 2016 11:00

Yes, I have seen this occasionally - though 1.2.10 seems much better.  I think that the reboot is caused by the suspend corrupting memory.  You can check this by running dmidecode before and after a suspend.  Note how the tables are corrupted by the suspend.

I think this also whacks the thunderbolt port after a resume, too.  Works fine before suspend.  After a suspend, nothing.

10 Posts

October 9th, 2016 11:00

@aalotia: I have not automated the setting of pm_async, I just do it by hand for now. It stays set between suspend/resume cycles so I only have to do it once when I reboot.

I have the hires touchscreen model with the extra nvidia card (GTX 960M) and I see the backlight issue on resume: display is black after a resume, playing with the brightness keys brings it up and stays full bright from then on. I am successfully working around the problem using the "fixbacklight" systemd script you pointed to in a previous comment (thanks again for that).

EDIT: sorry, I just noticed it was cregganna who posted the link to the "fixbacklight" script.

7 Posts

October 9th, 2016 13:00

My dell xps 15 9550 is using EFI mode. I'm having problems with suspend/resume failing also. The probability has lowered after resetting to factory defaults the BIOS settings. @aalotia

7 Posts

October 11th, 2016 13:00

Latest kernel from Ubuntu (4.4.0-42) looks like has fixed the backlight problem!

I've erased from my machine the "fixbacklight" script already.

2 Posts

December 10th, 2016 04:00

Now it works with recent development kernels without the script (vanilla 4.9-rc8).

I also upgraded to the latest BIOS (1.2.16) and it doesn't seem to be introducing new problems. ;)

2 Posts

December 12th, 2016 02:00

Dell has yet again managed to break something that was working. I am noticing excessive flickering after upgrading to the new BIOS (1.2.16). I suggest holding back the upgrade for now.

10 Posts

January 3rd, 2017 09:00

I've been running 1.2.18 for a few days and it looks like the flickering problem is fixed by this update.

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