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This post is more than 5 years old


September 4th, 2008 15:00

24" Dell monitors

​Why 3 Dell 24" monitors?​

​You have the s2409w, 2408wfp, e248wfp.​

​I see no difference except the wide price range.​

​It's very confusing to a potential buyer. ​

​Could someone please explain this to me.​

​Thank you,​

​Jack ​

September 4th, 2008 20:00

I think a couple of those are TN panels which are going to be cheaper.

20 Posts

September 4th, 2008 20:00

Thank you Eurekabiker,

I know some of them are cheaper but why?

Also don't know what TN means.

I think Dell should be more specific about the quality of

different monitors they have of the same size. 

September 4th, 2008 20:00

Wish I could me more help on the panel tech stuff.  It's my understanding that TN panel are better for gaming because they have low imput lag.  S-PVA panels are better looking with better true color but sometimes suffer from imput lag.  The 08 is not at TN panel I believe.


There is 90 something page thread in this forum about problems with the 08.  They changed the firmware to make it better. 


For better tech. stuff.

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