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This post is more than 5 years old


March 22nd, 2007 09:00

Are All The Currently Shipping 2407's A04's?

​ I sure hope they are...I returned some newly purchased 2407's from the outlet (after being assured that they were a04's) to buy new ones from the retail site that were a04's. ​
​ What happens if I don't get a04's? Dell will exchange them for free, right? ​

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

March 22nd, 2007 14:00


What happens if I don't get a04's? Dell will exchange them for free, right?
* Nope. There is only one part number for the monitor. You get whatever is next in queue. It is not based on the revision number.

6 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 14:00

Darn it...well what do you think the chances are of me getting ga04's?

March 22nd, 2007 17:00

AO4's have shown up in Australia and all over U.S.if that helps. But no guarantee as ChrisM said.

6 Posts

March 25th, 2007 04:00

I got two A04's, so all's well that ends i have to return these refurbs
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