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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2006 17:00

Internet Rumor on C|Net

I'm wary of buying a 19" ultrasharp monitor from Dell, as it has received mixed reviews on C|Net, and there are many people who suspect that Dell has been selling the same monitor, but made by 2, maybe even 3 different manufacturers. Also, Dell sacrificed some color quality to make it faster for gamers. With such a disparity in opinion, it would not be wise to take such a risk.

211 Posts

December 15th, 2006 00:00

That is essentially what is done. Dell has multiple suppliers for the panel. But at least in this case they are all the same type of screen (TN).

In the case of Dells 2007 series, not only the manufacture changes but the type of screen as well, changing the basic properties.

You will find the behavior referred to as the Dell Panel lottery.

Good luck with your ticket. :-)
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