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This post is more than 5 years old


March 25th, 2008 22:00

Recall on 24' 2408WFP?

​I broughta 24' 2408WFP when they were released (purchase date 23rd feb), and since then I have been browsing the whirlpool forums and people have been getting phonecalls from Dell telling them there is a problem with the monitor and they are sending out replacements.​

​I have received no phonecall and am a bit worried that there is something wrong with my monitor and it needs to be replaced.​

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​Is there a number i should be calling to find out about this? or does someone here know what I should be doing?​

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Community Manager


54.5K Posts

March 26th, 2008 02:00


That is news to me and I meet with the display team weekly. Send me the links to these threads on the whirlpool forums.
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