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March 16th, 2020 06:00

U4919DW, USB-C upstream


I was thinking about buying this U4919DW, but I had some questions about the hub functionality.

Do you need to connect a USB-C and the USB upstream cable in order for the hub to function or is a single USB-C cable enough?


Kind regards


Community Manager


54.5K Posts

March 16th, 2020 08:00

* If the Laptop power requirement is less than 90W, then the provided USB Type-C Gen2 cable will provide both video and access to the USB 3.0 downstream ports
* If the Laptop power requirement is greater than 90W, you must also use the Laptop AC power adapter

* If you ever use the U4919DW HDMI in ports or DP in port, you must also plug the USB 3.0 upstream cable into both the PC and the U4919DW USB upstream port 

March 16th, 2020 08:00

Thanks for the reply Chris!

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