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This post is more than 5 years old


May 26th, 2008 15:00

Ultrasharp 24 inch widescreen monitor feeling warm??

​I just purchased an XPS 420 with a 24 inch ultrasharp widescreen monitor. The monitor is a beauty and I'm very happy with it. But I've noticed that the back of it feels warm to the touch. Is this normal? I don't remember my old Dell Deminsion 15 inch monitor feeling warm.:smileyindifferent: Your responses are appreciated. :smileyvery-happy:​

552 Posts

May 27th, 2008 14:00

This does seem to be normal. Mine is quite warm at the Top\Rear and also at the front of the screen itself.

16 Posts

May 27th, 2008 17:00

Thanks for responding.  This monitor is a HUGE step up from the 15 inch monitor I have with my Dell Deminsion 8250 PC. :smileyhappy:

552 Posts

May 27th, 2008 17:00

I understand. I went from a Dell 20 inch Ultrasharp (4X3) LCD to the 2408WFP and it took me a while to get myself adjusted to it. But now, I am considering a 32 inch. My son has a 32 inch on a HP and it looks superb. He uses it for GPS tracking of his 41 company vehicles. He can view all of them over a very wide area, monitor their speed, engine stops, starts, miles and times between jobs, when they start the vehicles in the morning and when it is shut down at night, and several other items of interest to him and a backup of times for invoices that may be disputed. This works extremely well and for not much expense.
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