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This post is more than 5 years old


April 16th, 2006 02:00

UltraSharp 2405FPW 24-inch and AGP 8X Video Card 256Mb

Will the UltraSharp 2405FPW 24-inch work with the AGP 8X Video Card 256Mb?

12.1K Posts

April 16th, 2006 09:00

You did not list the video card, but here is a partial list of cards that will work on that monitor.

2 Posts

April 18th, 2006 01:00

I have a NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5500 video card. I did not see my video card on the list,so I assuming that my video card does not support the 2405FPW. Is this correct?

168 Posts

April 18th, 2006 02:00

I had a 5300 and  Medion (my PC) said it would work, they did not mention but i think it only works on analog though wich unless you have very fine eyes you cant see the difference.

13 Posts

April 27th, 2006 09:00

this display will work on any pc with vga or dvi output! the question is how it will work! you should definitely operate it at its native resolution (1920x1200) via dvi! Short: yes your video card should do it! concering gaming performance it depends what graphic card you have and what resolution you play in.
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