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This post is more than 5 years old


July 30th, 2006 16:00

Will a 20 in. lcd monitor be clearer for 800X600 resolution than a 19 in?

​ I have heard that a 20 inch lcd (not a wide one though) will be clearer at a 800X600 resolution than a 19 inch one. I think it has to do with the native res on a 20 inch being 1600X1200 so that half of that would be 800X600. ​
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​ Have you heard that? ​
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​ Has anyone with a 20 inch lcd checked out how it looks at 800X600? (Would you be willing to see how 800X600 looks if you have a Dell 20 inch monitor?) ​
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​ My eyes need the 800X600 for internet browsing and general computer work. ​
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​ I will be getting a new lcd monitor when I order my new Dell XPS in a few months. ​
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​ Thanks. ​
​ Sara408 ​

12.1K Posts

July 30th, 2006 18:00

Unknown from me, but if no one answers you Sara, try and get to a computer store with monitors that you can adjust the resolution to see if you are confortable.  Remember, that low of a resolution on a 20 inch native of 1600x1200 will not look good and you are paying for a larger monitor and real estate that you will not have with the lower resolution.  A CRT might be more to your liking for the eye's.....


CRT’s are scalable, and you can raise or lower the resolution settings. LCD’s however, are different. Any settings lower than the native resolution results in either letter boxing, which maintains image quality by shrinking the image to a compatible size, or keeps the full screen image, but adjusts for missing pixels, sacrificing image quality.

CRT's, must refresh every pixel on the screen. Screen flicker with an LCD is not an issue since the monitor does not refresh like a CRT monitor, so a refresh rate of 60 Hz should be just fine for an LCD monitor.

A few new owners of LCD’s often find that the size of the fonts are too small for them, failing to realize that LCD’s have a native resolution for each size monitor for best viewing experience. IE : A 15 inch LCD has a native resolution of 1024x768, and a 17 / 18 / 19 inch LCD has a 1280x1024 resolution. A 20 inch LCD has a native of 1600x1200. The higher the resolution, the smaller the fonts. What you get is more information on the ( So you don't have to scroll, left/right or up/down that much ) larger screen with the native resolution of 1280x1024 over the 1024x768 resolution. If you purchased a 17 /18 /19 inch screen, but are uncomfortable with the smaller fonts, lowering the resolution to 1024x768, as some have done, now gets you less information on the screen, wasting the extra money you paid for the larger monitor in the first place, not to mention sacrificing image quality. Just should have gone to a smaller LCD instead, or perhaps a CRT screen, and saved big bucks for the same real estate. Some with bad eye sight to begin with may not notice the image quality being less than optimal by lowering the resolution, but others will.

It is best to look at some monitors at the local computer store first prior to any purchase to see if you are one of those that have eye sight problems.

72 Posts

July 31st, 2006 00:00

Yes, this is true. A 20" LCD (with 1600x1200) will be much clearer than a 19" LCD (with 1280x1024) while displaying 800x600. This is because resampling will not have to be done to the image since 1600 is divisible by 800 and 1200 is divisible by 600. Only pixel doubling would need to take place.
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