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This post is more than 5 years old


April 19th, 2010 07:00

NMC: 24 hs logs view


​NMC shows lasts 24 hs logs by default (or I'm wrong??) Is there some way to change this window view to a long period?​


736 Posts

April 20th, 2010 02:00

The data pertaining to the backup jobs coming from the jobsdb will be kept for the amount of time (or size) that you have specified for the jobsdb. You'll find a full explanation here:

As regards data being stored in the Networker Console database for reporting purposes, you can configure how long you want to keep certain types of data.  You'll find instructions on how to do this in the Administration Guide for your NetWorker version.  For example, for NetWorker 7.6 - this is at

Home  >  Support  >  Technical Documentation and Advisories  > Software ~ J-O ~ Documentation  >  NetWorker Family  >  NetWorker  > 7.6 & Service Packs

and you'll be looking for the section 'Data retention and expiration policies'  - page 345.


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