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3 Posts


July 8th, 2018 17:00

48 ports vs stack 2 of 24 ports

​I need to implement 40 ports and I'm wondering if put a 48 port switch or put 2 switches of 24 port stacking not model specific but If need 1x N2048 vs 2x N2024 with stack enable.​

​My question is based if I have 2 units (n2024) do it will get better performance because it have 2 processors instead of 1.​

​When you stack the processor of each switch is used or the second is not used and all is handle by the main or the principal.​



8.5K Posts

July 9th, 2018 11:00


On the N2000 series most of the traffic is handled on a single switch when stacked. The N4000 has higher performance stacking.

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