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This post is more than 5 years old



May 13th, 2007 12:00

Cant access net , just a few sites .

Hi ,
My problem is that I cant access the net from my office .I can only access few websites like the company website and couple of other websites , while couple of my colleagues can access the net .
When I go to Tools--Internet Options-Connection -Lan Settings , I find that there is number entered .
Is there a way I can bypass this system and start accessing the net ,not just a few websites .I believe there is a certain LAN setting I need to put .
Can anyone advise ?

5.8K Posts

May 13th, 2007 15:00

Why don't you contact the tech responsible for you network. Is it possible they are purposely blocking you from having Internet access? Some companies manage Internet access very carefully.


12K Posts

May 14th, 2007 09:00

That is your IP Address and the company could be filtering your content based on some rule.  Contact your IT department, that's what they are geting paid to do.
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