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This post is more than 5 years old



August 14th, 2003 15:00

HOW TO: Using Ghost with a Bootable CD ROM and Network access even on a Gx270

If you use a Dell Gx270 (or newer), read up on the Symantec (Norton) Ghost/Intel incompatability here:

Technical Synopsis: Dell and other computer manufacturers are switching to motherboards that support the newer Serial ATA (SATA) hard drives.  To support these drives, these motherboards use newer versions of the Intel chipsets, specifically chipset version 865 and newer.  The heart of the issue is that the new chipset makes the the network card and IDE controller to share the communications interrupt.  The general release Symantec Ghost 7.5 (and Norton Ghost 2003) is sophisticated enough to no longer use Dos's Interrupt 13h to communicate to the hard drive but use the new method defined by these chipsets.  However, it is not sohpisticated enough to allow the network cards to communicate in the same fashion.  It assumes all traffic sent on the the hard drive's interrupt is from the hard drive.  So, network traffic befuddles Ghost and it locks.  You can force ghost to use Int13h using the -fni switch but there is a significant performance hit.

Bottom line:  Symantec has released an update to their Enterprise Gold level support members who call in to request it.  It is a maintenance release and only the Gold support members get the maintenence releases.  We do have an active Gold level support membership but I called anyway.  The woman on the other end was very helpful and gave me the username and password to download the instructions and patch. 

Back to the main issue for this post, I'm using BootCDs since the Gx270s made the floppy drive a $19 add-on option.  I will now use the same methods on my Gx260s since it saves around a minute of boot time.  The Gx60s are not working right with the E100b driver on the CD.  So, I'm sticking with floppies for them.

I've done this with both PC-Dos 7.1 and MS Dos 6.22.  The boot discs were a pain till I figured all this out.  Now they should be easy to maintain.  They have access both to the remainder of the CDRom access and to the network.  I have a standard boot disk (floppy) that does most of the work and then calls C:\autorun.bat (C: is the CDRom after CD boot) that contains the details for the different configurations of the Gx270s that we use.  This means I can always use the same boot.img file to make the disk bootable and I don't have to keep the bootable floppy around after the fact.  Then I can simply change the content in the root of the CD to make adjustments to my ghosting method or image used.

I split the net directory between the floppy disk and the CD-Rom so that I have room enough for the required emm386 on the floppy.  If you don't use emm386 you get a binding error when connecting to the network.  Basically the Net call runs out of memory with a SYS0006 error.  Also my current method requires a fixed IP address as the DHCP mode tries to write a log file (a:\Net\DHCP.) and that doesn't work well on a read only CD.  (Please email me if you know how to get around this or have a full parameter list for Protman.dos)

Here are my steps:

Create a PC Dos 7.1 boot disk using Ghost or a Dos 6.22 boot disk using Dells util 

Replace/Add these files:

Here's my config.sys:

rem Gx260 270
DEVICEHIGH /L:3,51264 =A:\NET\E1000.DOS
rem GX60
rem DEVICEHIGH /L:3,32880 =A:\NET\E100b.DOS

Here's my autoexec.bat:

LH /L:2,44352 MSCDEX.EXE /V /D:CD1 /M:15 /L:C /K /E

LH /L:0;2,24592;3,272;1,68400 /S C:\NET\NET START
if not Exist N:\ServerTools\ goto NetError
SET PATH=%PATH%;N:\ServerTools

if not Exist c:\Autorun.bat Goto CDError
call c:\Autorun.bat
Goto :End

Echo Could not map the network Drive. Did you attach the network cable and use the right disk?
Goto :End

Echo AutoRun.Bat does not exist in the root of the CD or the CD was not recognized.  Nothing more to do.
Goto :End


The net directory on the floppy contains only these files:


Using Easy CD Creator (or nero etc) create a bootable CD image from that floppy.  Then add the following to that CD.

In the root, put an Autorun.bat that maps drives and does whatever fancy Ghost calls you want.

The net directory burned onto the root of the CD should contain:


Burn the CD and go!

That should get you up and running.  I'll leave it up to you to find all the right files for the hardware you order on your systems.  But this should be enough to get you going.  As you can see I used Nec_IDE.Sys in config.sys downloaded from the NEC support site but now that the memory is available I think the normal OakCDRom.sys supplied with Ghost will work fine.


2 Posts

March 30th, 2004 18:00

Could you possibly send me an image including the additional files for the Net directory for CD?

Where did you get the CD net directory files



March 31st, 2004 18:00

I have been reading this and many other threads on here, regarding Ghost, with quite an interest.

I am currently trying to rollout a standard build to my 40 PCs.  I have various systems which are either GX240, GX260, or GX270.

I am currently having greattrouble with my GX240s as I am using a portable Flip2Disk USB hard drive to carry the Ghost images.  Over USB 1.1 this takes about 35mins to install.

I have tried running a Ghost Network Boot disk to map a drive, but that says it will take hours because the 3COM 920 NIC won't autonegotiate properly with my Cisco switch which is set at 100MB/Full Duplex.

From what I have read on this forum though, the GX260 and GX270 with the Intel Pro 1000 in it runs a lot smoother.

As a thought for people who don't have floppy disk drives, why not write this all to a Dell USB Key and boot the system from that.  This then solves your problem of not being able to write to the CD to enable DHCP usage.  Or anything else that wants to access the drive as well.

The only downfall here for me is that the GX240 won't boot from USB.  I have the latest BIOS A05 installed, but it doesn't want to play. 

*PLEASE* can Dell release a new BIOS for the GX240 allowing it to boot from USB.




1 Message

October 27th, 2004 12:00

thank you for your posting, tehre were some good ideas on it.

for the dhcp service I have a simple workarround, by using the ASSIGN utility i.e.

REM ==================================================
echo Loading RamDrive in memory
A:\xmsdsk.exe 16384 S: /y
REM ==================================================
echo Creating directories on RamDrive
md S:\net
REM ==================================================
echo Loading A: to RamDrive
A:\xcopy.exe A:\*.* S:\ /Y
A:\xcopy.exe A:\net\*.* S:\net\ /Y
REM ==================================================
echo Swap drive letters
T:\BSCRIPT\DOS\assign a=s

than there is no difference between A and the ramdrive where you can read

but I have the problem still that if I use a floppy everything works, if I use CD than it doesn't (DOS ERR SYS0006).

I assume that the way I load my drivers etc and the parameters are not correct ...

I hate M$ and all that's comming from seattle/usa ... sorry folks its disgrusting mentality.

really when are you going to start thinking ... get lessons in history and not eat by mcdonnalds and the kind

best regards

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