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This post is more than 5 years old


April 20th, 2006 15:00

Missing COM Port

Inspiron 5100. I had to reformat a new hard drive (purchased from Dell). When I tried to re-establish my internet connection, I got a Com port missing message.
I then brought up Device Manager and there was no entry therein for:
"Ports (COM and LPT)".

How can I get my COM port(s) back?

Bill T.

2.5K Posts

April 21st, 2006 01:00

Check your modem's driver Properties in Device Manager and see if a virtual COM port has been assigned (usually COM3).  If your computer doesn't have a physical serial port, no COM port is listed in Device Manager.

4 Posts

April 21st, 2006 05:00

Thank you for the prompt reply. I found the modem listed, hit Properties and found COM3 under the Modem tab. Now I have to figure out how to use this good piece of information
when I try to set up my internet connection.

2 Posts

May 8th, 2006 10:00

I have a similar problem.  I get a Digital Line error when trying to connect to the internet followed by a no dial tone.  When I look at the device manager etc i don't see any COM ports.  As such I don't have any real way of figuring out whats wrong with the modem.
Cheers Iain

2 Posts

May 17th, 2006 04:00

i have inspiron 5160 and recently i reinstalled XP professional. but the device listinf now does not contain any port. the modem property shows it is attached to COM3. when i try connect a dial up connection error 676 is displayed that phone line in use. please helpto solve this problem.

4 Posts

May 17th, 2006 14:00

I am the originator of the "missing COM Port" subject.

This was finally resolved by installing a NEW modem from DELL and seating it PROPERLY.

I would suggest that you should remove the modem (2 screws) and firmly reseat it. When you restart the machine you should get a "New Hardware Found" message. Windows XP will then install the missing COM port.

If Windows XP does NOT "see" new hardware you will have to order a new modem from Dell and try again. Make certain that the new modem is snugly inserted.

2 Posts

May 18th, 2006 06:00

but  i also hear dial tone, when i dial any  phone using the phone dialer it works i.e it coneects me to the desired no,and conversation do take place.  but when i dial the dial-up connection no., a message comes that the phone line in it is possible?

solutions plz.


4 Posts

May 18th, 2006 14:00

It sound to me that you have a good COM port and a good modem. When I get a message that the phone line is busy I check the other phones in the house to ensure that they are all properly hung up. When you get the message on the computer go to another phone in the house and see if you get a busy signal. Good luck.
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