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This post is more than 5 years old


March 27th, 2005 16:00

net for my camper?

​ ​​I work for a construction company that pretty well has us moving around the state so we live out of our campers most of the year.​​ ​
​ ​​I was wonder if someone can give me some idea what I need to be looking at to be able to get on the net from my camper .alot of times there is no type of land lines around but i do have a cell and i like to keep monthly payments under $50 any ideas​​ ​
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​ ​​ thanks Rick​​ ​

March 27th, 2005 19:00

thanks boppo.

what was the software ?

4.4K Posts

March 27th, 2005 19:00

i use my sprint phone to get on the net using my laptop and it works ok but if you don't have a signal for the phone you can't get on the net. I just bought software for 30 bucks and since I have a phone my plan doesn't charge extra.

4.4K Posts

March 27th, 2005 20:00

you can get it from radio shack plus they sell the cable to connect to the phone. software is snapdialer. you can check to see if your phone works with their software here

7.9K Posts

March 28th, 2005 19:00

you still have to pay for a dialup ISP though, right?

7.9K Posts

March 28th, 2005 20:00

satellite service is probably still over $50 and you'd need to have a certain view of the sky, but it's probably your only realistic option (other than broadband cell connections which are *very* pricey) at high-speed for that price range.
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