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This post is more than 5 years old


April 26th, 2004 17:00

Net Send Problems *FIXED*

​Message Edited by Tryton on 04-29-2004 06:23 PM​

4.4K Posts

April 27th, 2004 04:00

Without any information as to operating systems, let me make a few guesses.

- You've disabled or stopped the "Messenger" service on the laptop.

- You've enabled the XP firewall on the laptop.

Does "net send" from the laptop to itself work? If not, the "Messenger" service isn't running on the laptop.

TCP/IP, possibly with NetBIOS over TCP enabled, should be sufficient. You shouldn't need the NetBEUI transport.


68 Posts

April 27th, 2004 10:00

your right, I have xp, messenger is running, and everything is defult. xp firewall is off. I cannot net send even to this laptop eather by network name or IP. I can go onto my desktop and seems like all the settings are the same, and I can do a netsend to desktop to its self, but cant reack laptop.. im so baffeled!!!

4.4K Posts

April 27th, 2004 16:00

Can you ping the laptop from the desktop using its name? If not, can you ping the laptop using its IP address? What error is reported when "net send" fails?


68 Posts

April 27th, 2004 17:00

Yes, I can ping from ip or network name, It seems to be some sort of glitch in windows. I even hooked up the cat 5 to it and Enabled the 10/100 nic, disabled the wifi card and still dont work. I reformatted it, and it was working before I installed sp1. Good ole Micro-Junk software :  I usualy get "Alias could not be found" error. Im at work so when I get home I can give you a more detailed error message with error codes

I just found this link, Ist funny but I have windows xp, and I do have 2 nics installed and 1 disabled, hmm I wonder;EN-US;233249

Message Edited by Tryton on 04-27-2004 03:03 PM

4.4K Posts

April 27th, 2004 20:00

One useful point the Microsoft article makes is that you can examine the NetBIOS namespace with the nbtstat -n command. That needs to be run from a cmd.exe window (Start/Run cmd.exe). it stopped working after XP SP1 was installed! I'll see what I can find out about that.

(edit) OK, there was a change made by SP1 to the operation of the XP firewall that would affect "net send". See this Microsoft article.


Message Edited by jimw on 04-27-2004 02:19 PM

68 Posts

April 27th, 2004 21:00

Only problem with that is that I have the firewall off, and the desktop which works with net send also has sp1??? Well What im going to try is to re-enable my built in 10/100 nic, then reboot and pray that fixes the problem. I will let you know the results of it. If anyone can think of anything else please reply.. Thanks Elliott

4.4K Posts

April 27th, 2004 23:00

This one's a long shot...Are both machines set to receive their IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway settings automatically? One of the NetBIOS name resolution steps involves broadcasts. If the subnet mask on the sending machine wasn't correct for the network, that might produce this symptom.

You can check that with "ipconfig /all" in a cmd.exe window. Check the settings on both machines. The IP addresses obviously should be different, but the subnet mask and default gateway should be the same on both.


68 Posts

April 27th, 2004 23:00

I have bolth machinse on a static IP, I have the dhcp server off on the router, but i will check :)

68 Posts

April 28th, 2004 13:00

Well all, I figured out what is not working, everytime i reboot the computer I have to go into services and restart messanger, even though it says its already started.. I have a great suspision that its some windows update thats causing it.. if anyone has had this problem and have gotten around it, please let me know.. Thanks Elliott

4.4K Posts

April 28th, 2004 16:00

If the messenger service is set to start automatically and you find that it's not running after a reboot, it may have written a message to either the system or application event logs that might help determine why the service didn't keep running. You can start the Event Viewer using " Start/Run eventvwr.msc".


68 Posts

April 28th, 2004 17:00

I will do that and tell the results of my find.. Thanks

68 Posts

April 29th, 2004 01:00

Well All, I finally fixed the problem.. Want to know what it was? take a guess.. A microsoft hotfix!!! Hotfix KB828035 to be exact. I removed it from both machines and walla! It works flawlessly!!!  If you have any problems with your net send here is your answer!  Thanks All  Elliott

4.4K Posts

April 29th, 2004 01:00

That's remarkable, given the age of that fix! I didn't find any similar reports searching Google for 828035, either.

That patch fixed some fairly nasty problems. Do you have a firewall in place?


68 Posts

April 29th, 2004 10:00

Yes it is amazing. I do have a firewall up.. I found the soultion on the microsoft fourms. Only 1 person had the answer, the microsoft reps never even replyed to him.. funny how that works...

4.4K Posts

April 29th, 2004 15:00

I found the soultion on the microsoft fourms.

Can you post a link to the article?


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