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This post is more than 5 years old


February 9th, 2006 01:00

Net Waiting

​ I just got my replacement XPS 400 machine a few weeks ago (after a long drawn out battle...) and any way..... this one came with Net Waiting installed on it. But, i can't seem to get it to work. When i open it, it says not connect to a V92 server. I contacted my ISP and they claim they have a V92 compatible server and that isn't the problem. I have a conexant D850 V.9x modem. I'm not sure if that's the issue, or if i just dont have something set up correctly. I have call waiting on my phone line as well. ​
​ ​
​ Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. ​
​ ​
​ Brad ​

2.1K Posts

February 9th, 2006 02:00

You might try posting this in the Dimension Modem forum, too:

2.2K Posts

February 9th, 2006 22:00

I know you've contacted your ISP, but you may want to verify that your system is set to dial to their V. 92 line. When I had NetZero, they had several local numbers, but fewer than half of those numbers were V.92.  The same was true at another ISP I checked out.

One other thing to consider. Just because the ISP's line is V.92 compliant, that does not mean they support NetWaiting (Modem on Hold). Some ISP's disallow this feature because it is using their bandwidth while you talk to whoever.... 

So... contact you ISP and ask if ALL of their local numbers support Modem on Hold. That will eliminate the ISP as the problem...

February 16th, 2006 21:00

Where can I download Net Waiting for a Dimension 2300?
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