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This post is more than 5 years old


June 24th, 2009 18:00

Windows xp internet and AT&T problems.

​I really hope someone can help me. I have a Dell desktop pc 4600 with Windows XP,At&T dsl Internet explorer 7 . Recently was advised by AT&T to upload the free subscription to McAfee.. Thought I did that but my PC does not show it to be anywhere. Yet when I log into my member center it states I have already downloaded it. ​

​I have also beeen unable to download anything from the interent explorer. Yet I can log on within my AT&T DSL Yahoo account. I also have windows defender dont know if I need it?? Any time I attempt to download from a ..lets say a game site I the messgae indicates Internet explore can not establisha connection. Yet I am online with in my AT&T acct. I can't download even a fix from Microsoft.​

​I really need help as Tech support (where ever they are) can't seem to grasp what I am saying.​



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