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1 Rookie


50 Posts


October 7th, 2023 02:58

Email address grayed out in profile settings, I can't change it?

Hi all,

My account somehow survived the changeover, except that the incorrect email address displays. Are these accounts still merged with your Dell My Account, if you have one? That uses my correct email. I seem to be having the issue as previously reported in a previously closed post where I can't change my email, though when I log in, (because I had previously merged my message board and Dell My Account credentials into one),the email is correct. How do I change the email address here so that I can properly receive notifications?

Community Manager


54.7K Posts

October 7th, 2023 11:28

Check your private Direct Messages.

1 Rookie


50 Posts

October 9th, 2023 19:35

Just responded! Thanks!

1 Rookie


12 Posts

October 17th, 2023 04:39

Isn't the grayed-out (uneditable) Community account email address field just an indication that the accounts are tied to the overall Dell "My Account" details? The email address should be editable by visiting and choosing "Edit Profile" under "Profile".

(Sorry, I see now that @Cambridgeport90 already said that their email address is correct in "My Account". So, that's very strange, then. I was under the impression the account were tied together, since there's no longer even a way to log in to a Community account except by logging in to the overall Dell "My Account" system.)


1 Rookie


50 Posts

November 14th, 2023 13:54

This is still showing incorrect as we speak. 

1 Rookie


78 Posts

January 8th, 2024 22:38

I just ran into this. I changed my .com email address to a .net on the main dell site. But on the community site it's still showing the .com address. And I will lose access to my .com emails in a few days. 

IS there any way to change this? So I can start getting alerts at my new email address?

1 Rookie


50 Posts

February 16th, 2024 16:28

Still a problem over here...reason why responses are so few are because I don't log in here probably as much as I should. 

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